Friday, December 28, 2007


Aku ada banyak perkara menarik nak update kat sini. Ada berita gembira untuk aku, tapi masih 50-50, hopefully berita gembira tu akan menjadi kenyataan nanti, insyaAllah. Hari ni, project mengwirelesskan rumah aku telah berjaya, kui! Wifi router cap TP-Link WR542G v4 dengan extended antenna (tatau la ayam ke tak, janji bleh wifi) berharga RM130 je hehe.

So boleh la merata2 skit aku mengsurf internet, samada di bilik study, living hall, kitchen, bedroom mahu pun di bilik air (erm, aku x kan masuk sini, x pasal2 je). So, senang skit la nak berinternet, x perlu la terperap dalam bilik je. Anyway, dalam bilik study tu dah ada kerusi office juga, beli di Ikea berharga RM169. Hehe, akhirnya dapat gak beli kerusi office dan wifi.

Selain tu, petang tadi lepas ambil wife aku kat office dia, kami pergi ke kedai perabot di tepi Jalan Klang Lama, pergi survey2 sofa, shoe rack dan side cabinet. Hmm, akhirnya beli gak sofa, 4 seater terus dan ada tempat letak kaki tu, ape nama dia ntah. Total ketiga2 perabot ialah RM2600, baru bayar deposit RM900, so ada balance RM1700. So far ok la, 3 perabot untuk RM2600, kalau beli di Ikea, mau makan sampai RM5K kot? Masih menunggu baki elaun kerana mungkin esok nak usha stroller, baby cot, baby car seat dan barang2 lain baby di Baby Jaya, Uptown Damansara. Ada year end sale sekarang ni.


Saturday, December 22, 2007

Sayonara KSA!

Yey! Today is the day! Kejap lagi pada pukul 0300p.m (KSA), aku akan bergerak menuju King Abdul Aziz, Jeddah International Airport. Aku akan pulang ke tanah air tercinta. Akhirnya! Hehe. My flight will be on 2120p.m (KSA) dan dijangka arrive di KLIA pada pukul 1050a.m (MY) the next day. I hope it will be a nice trip for me and i hope there's nothing problem raise. Tak sabar rasanya. My wife will be at KLIA waiting for me tomorrow and we will going back to Seremban first. I left my car at Seremban, so i will take my car back to KL later. Yahoo, sukanya! Sayonara Saudi Arabia. I will come back someday, to perform my hajj and umrah for sure, hopefully not for work related, insyaAllah. Pray for my safety.

Today, 22nd December, Pak Uda aku akan bertunang. InsyaAllah kalau x de aral, dah settle dah pertunangan dia di kampung, hopefully. Semua family aku ada kat kampung sekarang ni. Punya la susah nak carikan pasangan untuk Pak Uda aku ni. Alhamdulillah, jumpa juga. Semoga pertunangan Pak Uda dan bakal Mak Uda aku ni berkekalan bahagia sehingga ke jinjang pelamin dan juga ke anak cucu, amin.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Eid Adha 1428H

Happy Eid Adha Mubarak,

Salam from Jeddah to all my muslim friends all over the world. Saudi will celebrate Eid today 19/12, hope i can manage to go to the mosque today for solat subuh and solat sunat Eid Adha early in the morning.


Sayang's Birthday!

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you sayang,
Happy birthday to you.

Yey! You are getting 25 now, I hope that you will be a good wife, taat kepada Allah dan suami, menjadi isteri yang solehah, menjadi seorang ibu yang penyayang! I know u know that i love you so much and i will keep saying that i love you so much deep in my heart no matter how many times you will asking me the same question either i love you or not. And i'm not just saying that and do trust me. I love you so much and much and much. It's ok i'm not there beside you right now but my love will always inside your heart. We will celebrate it after i'm back ok, i'll promise! Once again and again, i love you so much sayang, forever and ever. Muahhhhhhhhh!

4 days for touchdown!


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Wukuf Arafah

Hari ni 18hb Disember 2007, bersamaan 9 Zulhijjah 1428, ialah tarikh untuk bakal haji wukuf di Arafah. Hari ini ialah hari yang ditunggu2 oleh bakal haji kerana wukuf merupakan rukun haji dalam melaksanakan rukun islam yang ke 5 ini. Pada hari ini, Makkah Al-Mukarramah akan kosong, kerana lautan manusia akan bergerak menuju ke Arafah. Berada sekejap di bumi Arafah sudah pun mencukupi dari gelincir matahari hari 9 Zulhijjah hingga terbit fajar hari 10 Zulhijjah.

It’s a Sea of Humanity at Mina - Arab News

Kepada Bob, Dani dan Bad, semoga mendapat haji yang mabrur, insyaAllah. Teringin pula aku nak pergi, tapi nak buat macamana, keadaan x mengizinkan. InsyaAllah satu hari nanti before i'm getting old and old, i will come again to Saudi to perform my hajj and umrah! Kene simpan duit dari sekarang. Ramai orang kata Mekkah dan Mina sekarang ni sejuk sebab dah masuk winter, tapi masih panas lagi, cuma panas kering dan tak berhaba. Masih tidak sesejuk winter yang sepatutnya. Malamnya memang sejuk.

Makkah weather forecast 18th December 2007 1048 a.m.

Jeddah weather forecast 18th December 2007 1048 a.m.

- AccuWeather Forecast International
- Panduan Ibadat Haji dan Umrah - Berita Harian


Makam Siti Hawa

Semalam, semasa on the way balik dari office, yep the last day in the office, Zia (our taxi driver) bawak aku melawat ke makam Siti Hawa, iaitu isteri Nabi Adam a.s. Makam Siti Hawa ni dikatakan adalah kubur yang paling panjang yang terdapat di tanah perkuburan tersebut. Tanah perkuburan di sini semua batasnya bersambung antara satu sama lain, cuma yang membezakannya ialah nombor yang diletakkan pada setiap batas. Nombor untuk makam Siti Hawa tak silap aku ialah 15, iaitu kubur yang di akhir susur gajah dari pintu masuk tanah perkuburan tersebut.

Mengikut apa yang Zia bagitau, tanah perkuburan kat Saudi ni, selepas ditanam selama 45 hari, kubur tersebut akan digali semula untuk menempatkan jenazah lain pula. Di dalam kubur tersebut terdapat seperti simen yang akan menghancurkan tulang2 jenazah yang ditanam selama 45 hari itu. Ini terpaksa diarahkan oleh kerajaan Saudi kerana jumlah penduduk yang ramai dan kadar kematian yang agak tinggi. Bermakna, satu batas kubur bukan hanya seorang, tetapi banyak jenazah yang lain di dalamnya. No wonder di batas tersebut hanya terdapat nombor instead of nama jenazah tersebut.

I'm lucky cause Zia bring me to visit makam Siti Hawa yang aku pun baru tau bahawa terdapat makam Siti Hawa di Jeddah. Aku telah menghadiahkan bacaan Al-Fatihah kepada beliau di tanah perkuburan itu.


Monday, December 17, 2007

Last Day

Yahoo! Today is the last day of working at client office. Tomorrow they will starting the hajj holiday for 1 week. I think i can work for only half day since my person to liaise with was already going back home. However, i can't because there's still 2 systems need to be done before the holiday and i need to liaise with one of India guy here. I don't think it can be settle before the holiday because we not sure what the problem is. Maybe it can be continue after the hajj holiday, hehe.

Good bye client! Thanks for the experience the slowest job i ever done, haha, it's so funny tho when you think about it again and again, for a 1 hour job can be settle but they takes for 1 to 2 months to settle it down, haha. They want all perfectionism from us but they also don't give the perfectionism to us too. That's the problem when money is nothing here. They got a lot of money and they don't afraid for loosing it. If they got 1 billion today and they spend all the money, tomorrow they will get back the 1 billion + another extra million. Duh, what a big spender, hahaha. Oh ok, i'll stop mumbling now.

Anyway, only 6 days now until i'll touch down at KLIA. Yehaa!


Saturday, December 15, 2007


Sejak dua menjak ni, aku makin suka dengar/layan 2 lagu ni, tak tau lah kenapa, maybe sebab rindu kot? Hmm ...

Ungu - Kekasih Gelapku

"Ku mencintaimu lebih dari apa pun
Meskipun tiada satu orang pun yang tahu
Ku mencintaimu sedalam-dalam hatiku
Meskipun engkau hanya kekasih gelapku

Kutahu kutakkan slalu ada untukmu
Disaat engkau merindukan diriku
Kutahu kutakkan bisa memberikanmu waktu
Yang panjang dalam hidupku

Yakinlah bahwa engkau adalah cintaku
Yang kucari selama ini
Dalam hidupku
Dan hanya padamu kuberikan sisa cintaku
Yang panjang dalam hidupku

Ku mencintaimu lebih dari apa pun
Meskipun tiada satu orang pun yang tahu
Ku mencintaimu sedalam-dalam hatiku
Meskipun engkau hanya kekasih gelapku"

Kekasih gelapku juga ialah kekasih asli ku, isteriku. Tiada yang lain melainkan isteriku yang tercinta. I love u sayang.

Dewa - Cintaku Tertinggal Di Malaysia

"tak pernah ku sangka
jauh dari kamu
membuat aku menderita
sejak pertama bertemu denganmu
di negaramu yang indah

aku di sini mengenang kamu
meski aku tak lagi sendiri
ku mulai berpikir tuk tinggalkan
kekasihku di jakarta

duhai kekasihku
cintaku tertinggal di malaysia
haruskah aku kembali
untuk bersamamu

duhai kekasihku
haruskah kutinggalkan semuanya
yang kumiliki
untuk hidup bersamamu

mungkinkah kamu cinta terakhirku
mungkinkah kamu cinta matiku
ku mulai berpikir tuk tinggalkan
kekasihku di jakarta

duhai kekasihku
cintaku tertinggal di malaysia
haruskah aku kembali
untuk bersamamu

duhai kekasihku
haruskah kutinggalkan semuanya
yang kumiliki
untuk kuserahkan hidupku
untuk kuserahkan matiku

duhai kekasihku
cintaku tertinggal di malaysia
untuk hidup bersamamu

berilah aku satu keyakinan untuk
kekuatan untuk
kesungguhan untuk
bisa tinggalkan semua untukmu

duhai kekasihku
cintaku tertinggal di malaysia
haruskah aku kembali
untuk bersamamu

duhai kekasihku
haruskah kutinggalkan semuanya
yang kumiliki
untuk kuserahkan hidupku
untuk kuserahkan matiku

duhai kekasihku
cintaku tertinggal di malaysia
untuk hidup bersamamu"

Cinta aku memang tertinggal di Malaysia sekarang ni, tapi aku x de pun cinta di Indonesia mahupun di Saudi Arabia, hehe.


Friday, December 14, 2007

Time Will Tell

Masa pun terus berlalu dengan cepat. Minggu depan adalah minggu terakhir aku akan bekerja kat client site. It's going to be my last week to stay at this Kingdom country. Now i'm alone, waiting for the day of my departure back to my lovely truly-asia country. I can't wait anymore. My friend, Bob (Mustafa) already inside Mekkah right now to perform his hajj this year, Alhamdulillah. Once in a life time chance. Lucky him. Hope he can get a hajj mabrur, insyaAllah.

New year will coming again, and this time, it's will be the greatest year for me (and my wife, of course). I will becoming a papa, insyaAllah for the coming April, ohh tak sabar rasanya, hehe. When the times goes by, i'll be thinking of upgrading my career, either i'll stay at the same company, begging or "fanning" my bosses or maybe working in the new company, who knows what will happen next. If there's a good opportunities for me, maybe i'll will proceed. However, i'm still waiting for the best offer.

The reason of thinking for changing my career is, if i'm stay with the current company with the current salary, i'll be going no where. I cannot buy a new house, i cannot make a lot of saving, it's a quite suffer to managed my life, my family since my family will expending next year with a small amount of salary. My passion to do the jobs is also gone with the wind bit by bit. I want something new in my career. Maybe, it's the right time for me to make a move. I'm still young and there's a lot of things i need to see out there. I'm willing to go out from my comfort zone and it's not the time for me to settle down yet. However, i'm just planning it but Allah is the one who will give the right move.

Anyway, to my friend, Mr. Najib, today is his last day working with my current company, i wish him a good luck for his new career. Forgive me if i have done wrong things to you and halal all the foods and drink. Sayonara.

This is just my personal thought only, no conclusion have been made yet. Time will tell ...


Sunday, December 09, 2007

BB Is Kicking!

Alhamdulillah, my wife just told me (via gtalk) that she had feel our baby is kicking her stomach since yesterday. Huhu, this is a great news and i am very excited to hear that. Ya Allah, berilah kesihatan dan keselamatan ke atas isteri dan anakku, amin.

14 days and counting .. tik tok tik tok!


Monday, December 03, 2007

Right Workplace

Career move, anyone? Choosing the right workplace. Consider these factors when you decide to join a company or leave an organization for job change:

1. Scope of Work
2. Field of Interest
3. Skills Application
4. Morale or Culture
5. Working Conditions
6. Working Days/Hours
7. Geographical Location
8. Education and Training
9. Self Improvement
10. Salary
11. Bonus
12. Promotion
13. Fringe Benefits
14. Personal Value
15. Responsibilities
16. Organization Goals
17. Organization Prospects
18. Relationship with Superiors
19. Relationship with Colleagues
20. Relationship with Subordinates

What? Salary number 10 in the list? Hmmm.



Friday, November 30, 2007

Happy CSD!

To all my fellow friends around the world who are working in computer and network security arena, I wish you a "Happy Computer Security Day!". May your computer and network are always secure from virus, spyware, malware, hackers, crackers and even though a social engineering or any threat that can make your head a headache. God bless computer security guys!



Tuesday, November 27, 2007


People come, people go. Mende ni normal dalam sesebuah company. Hari ni, sorang lagi member aku last day kat company ni, senyap2 je tender, huuu, tau2 dah dapat email farewell. Well, he got the right move. Leaving for better future. Hmm, well, everybody have their right to do what ever decision they made for their own career. Well, to my friend Bobci, i wish you good luck for your new career development. Well, we should celebrate this when i come back to Malaysia soon. If you got any "line" or "cable", do not hesitate to contact me, you know my number, hehehe.

Good luck bro!


Friday, November 23, 2007


Missed? What i missed so much these days? Yes, there's a few list of my missed thing since i came to this so called kingdom country.

1. My sweet lovely honey bunny wifey! I'm so missed her so much! Days and nights! Every time, nonstop! I wish, yes i really wish that i will never leave her alone again in the future, but who knows what will happen later, only God knows. I missed some of the time that i should spent with my wife while she was struggle being a pregnant lady. I know it's hard, but, i hope she can survive without me for a while. Some people said, "sayang isteri, tinggal-tinggalkan". At least, i leave her to make some money for our future.

2. My family of course, Abah, Mak, Along and Bang Long, Angah and my nieces. So missed to spend my time with them. It also including my wife's family like my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law too. Oh, not to forget, my wife's cat, baby. Huuu.

3. My house, yes, it just a small apartment house. Nothing special inside it but to me, it's so special in my heart. That's why they said, "home sweet home" and "baiti jannati"*.

4. My cars, yes, my silver surfer, the name i've called my V6? and wifey's Getz, i missed so much to drive in the heavy stupid traffic jam everyday in the morning while sending and fetching my wifey in the evening at her office. Missed to drive my car to my office, driving in the "SMART" tunnel that not so smart i think. Missed driving to go to Midvalley for doors and windows shopping, heh!

5. My DSLR D70, hoho! Yes, i didn't bring it here because of this country's rules, they do not allow you to snap the piccas wildly. Most of my piccas, taken by my friend's N95 handphone "curi2". Haha. I think, they don't have such of photography in their hobby list here. If you like photography, my advise is, don't live in Saudi.

6. Watching movies either in the cinemas or a downloaded movies from torrent and watching the new updated tv series episode that also come from torrent. Duh! If you like downloading torrent as your hobby, don't live in Saudi too, haha.

7. A variety of Malaysian foods! I'm so missed my mother's cooks! Especially, my favorite "ayam sambal". I'm so missed my mother-in-law's cooks too and not to forget my wifey's cooks (nevermind if she just only cooked before she got pregnant, but i still miss it, hehe).

Hmmm, there's a few list that i think i still missed it so much, but, i think, this is enough for now. I'm so missed my country. Well, the number is still counting. Tik tok tik tok! till i reach my country soon! InsyaAllah.

*my home, my paradise.


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Spam Master!

Huhu, so bored in the office. I just got a new hobby, spamming the mailing list, haha. Well, so many hot emails flying through my inbox, some of them are created by me, haha. Well, all emails are actually to express my thought like "what is going on with you people?" "how do you working?" "what is the problems is?" whatever related to the jobs, company and staff itself. Some of the emails are very hot than the tom yam kung. It's kind of advices and personal thought.

Haha, well, i do personally think that all emails are true and correct but yes, it's my bad to express such a feeling publicly, that's my point anyway, to make all of us know what is really happen actually. My bosses had express their thought as well, hehe, i'm some kind to be polite (or just a politic only) to make an apologies because, yes, through email is not a proper way to complaint and somebody will be offended. Maybe next time i will speak up directly to the correct person and not via email anymore. I'm not coward, i will do what i think is the best for me, whatever it takes. Ma fi Mushkilla.


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Hajj Cancellation

Hmm, setelah aku berusaha mencari solution macamana aku nak extend ticket flight aku, nampaknya aku tak berjaya gak membuat pertukaran tarikh. Aku dah try call MAS Jeddah dan MAS Malaysia, dah try mintak tolong region manager kat sini, masih tak dapat penyelesaian sebab flight untuk balik ke Malaysia selepas Haji ni penuh (fully booked) sampai la ke Januari 2008. Plan aku untuk stay lama untuk mendapat 10 hari cuti dan juga menunaikan haji terpaksa cancel. Bukan rezeki aku kot buat haji tahun ni. Ada hikmah dia tu. Maybe Allah nak aku buat haji in proper way kot.

So, aku dah call Ustaz Sobri, yang handle buat haji ni tadi. Aku dah cakap kat dia mintak maaf sebab terpaksa batalkan niat buat haji tu. Ustaz Sobri kata akan pulangkan semula deposit yang aku dah bayar SAR500 dulu, insyaAllah. Kalau ustaz tu tak dapat pulangkan pun atas sebab2 tertentu, aku akan ikhlaskan dan sedekah. So, insyaAllah, aku akan balik Malaysia pada 22nd December nanti. Time tu semua dah cuti sebab musim haji. Well, insyaAllah dah balik Malaysia nanti, aku akan buka akaun tabung haji untuk pergi haji, RM1300 untuk buka akaun.

Walaupun aku x dapat pergi buat haji, at least banyak maklumat serta ilmu mengenai haji aku dapat pelajari, boleh simpan dan ingat untuk masa depan bila ada peluang menunaikan haji.


Saturday, November 17, 2007


Semalam, lepas Isya', kami semua plan untuk pergi shopping di Balad. Balad ni kira town dia la. Ramai pendatang je kat area ni. Rasa macam kat India pun ada. Hahaha. Sampai sana, ramai gila orang. Perut lapar gila. Pergi cari makanan. Tunggu punya tunggu, x dapat tempat kosong. Dari satu kedai ke kedai lain. Last2, kami tunggu gak kat restoran Thailand ni, akhirnya dapat gak tempat kosong. Order nasik putih, lauk daging with green paper, ikan goreng with chilli sauce dan mix vegetable. Cukup. Kenyang gak la perut, Alhamdulillah. Hehe.

Lepas tu, jam dah pukul 10 p.m lebih. Macam dah x sempat nak round2 sangat, kitorang pun singgah di kedai jual Albayah/t? (Jubah perempuan tu). Aku pun pilih2 la mana berkenan. Aku beli 6 helai jubah kat sini. Untuk mak, mak mertua aku, along, angah, kakak ipar aku dan wife aku. Boleh tahan gak la harga dia, nasib baik total below SAR 1K. Hehe, of course, my wife punya yang paling best sekali, hopefully dia suka la. Hehe.

Lepas tu pi kedai jual kacang2. Aku beli gajus je, share dengan Zain untuk makan2 kat rumah. Zain duk shopping banyak kat sini sebab dia dah nak balik isnin ni. Lepas tu pi kedai sebelah lagi, beli tasbih yang Radzi pesan tu. Ada jual jubah lelaki kat sini, tapi x beli lagi, insyaAllah malam ni pergi lagi. Nak beli untuk abah, bang long dan aku (untuk Haji nanti). Maybe nak cari Albayah/t? versi kanak2 kot untuk anak2 buah aku, kalau jumpa. Hehe.


Friday, November 16, 2007

Second Umrah

Alhamdulillah, semalam (khamis), aku selesai melakukan umrah untuk kali yang ke 2. Actually, masa masuk tu, sebenarnya dah tak boleh masuk ke mekah due to Haji. Diorang dah start buat spot check samada ada permit Haji ke tak. Alhamdulillah, Mr. Hamudi (Driver teksi kitorang) gaduh ape dengan polis tu, dan polis tu bagi chance kat kami masuk. Dan semalam ialah last untuk aku menunaikan umrah pada tahun ini. Kalau tak dapat masuk semalam, aku bukan sahaja kene bayar dam, malah aku x boleh meniduri isteri selagi aku x masuk ke Mekah semula kerana aku dah berniat Ihram semasa di Jeddah. Alhamdulillah aku dapat masuk ke Mekah untuk menunaikan Umrah. Air Zam-zam pun aku dapat bawak balik 1 botol 10 liter. Syukur.

Depan Masjidil Haram, selesai menunaikan Umrah kali ke 2.

Kat sana, kami sampai kali ni pada pukul 11 a.m lebih, sempat tawaf 5 round dan berhenti untuk solat zohor dan sambung semula lagi 2 round. Selesai Umrah dalam pukul 2 lebih, makan tengahari (ermm, dah petang) di KFC, haha. Makan KFC depan Masjidil Haram, best2. Then sembahyang Asar, lepas tu terus balik semula ke Jeddah dalam pukul 5 p.m lebih, Maghrib dalam perjalanan balik.

Lunch KFC, depan Masjidil Haram, sedap gak ayam dia hehe. Jangan marah sayang, :P.

InsyaAllah, aku nak extend tiket flight balik aku nanti ke 26hb Disember. Sepatutnya 22hb Disember. Ini kerana aku nak cukupkan 60 hari aku di sini untuk mendapat 10 hari passage leave. Lagipun, insyaAllah aku nak menunaikan Haji. Haji akan selesai pada 23hb Disember, so sememangnya kena extend. Alhamdulillah, aku ada jumpa Ustaz Malaysia yang buat package haji untuk rakyat Malaysia di sini. Ustaz Sobri namanya, 7 tahun dah menetap di sini. Deposit untuk haji pun dah aku bayar sebanyak SAR500. Total package ialah SAR1600 dan dam ialah SAR400, insyaAllah semua sekali ialah SAR2000 (mungkin tak kena bayar dam kalau masuk malam 16hb Disember). Alhamdulillah, semoga aku dapat menunaikan Haji pada tahun ini dengan tanpa sebarang masalah, InysaAllah. Ini peluang keemasan untuk aku, dan aku x nak lepaskannya.

Proton Gen2 parking kat kawasan perumahan area Client office, ketika on the way cari kedai makan time lunch.

Ada 3 bijik Gen2 ni kat situ. Ada jugak pak arab yang suka beli kereta buatan Malaysia ni ek. Haha. Perodua Kelisa pun dah 2 bijik aku nampak, hmmm, ingatkan Merc, Lexus dan BMW je depa beli, haha. Ada jugak perasaan bangga tu, hehe.


Monday, November 12, 2007

Work Sucks!

So many things happen this week, sampai aku malas nak update dalam blog ni, hahaha. Perkara bodoh yang aku rasa lawak, perkara tak masuk akal, perkara best, macam2 la. Hari tu, aku dan bebudak ni pergi Malaysian Open House yang dianjurkan oleh Panda Mart kat Jeddah ni. Actually, jemputan hanya orang2 tertentu je, tapi kami dijemput oleh orang lama kat sini iaitu En. Badrul, so kami pegi je la open house tu, haha. Aku follow je depa ni, takkan x pi lak kan kalau diorg sumer pergi. Tapi tu kira seronok gak la, jumpa rakyat2 malaysia yang masing2 kerja kat sini dan masing2 cerita pengalaman kelakar deal dengan pak arab kat sini, haha.

Hari ni, ada 2 perkara x best berlaku. Pagi tadi, teksi yang aku selalu naik pi office, mengalami eksiden, actually tak teruk pun, teksi pun x ada ape2 pun. Alhamdulillah semua ok. Teksi tu pun memang tak salah ape pun. Ada satu BMW 5 Series dengan gopoh tak sabar cam cipan nak terberak potong teksi kitorang ni, pastu dia nak speed, tak perasan ada lori besar gabak berhenti kat depan tu, ape lagi, tebabo la langgar lori tu, teruk gak la BMW tu, sini jenis tak sayang keta betul, keta mahal2, macam scrap je jadi. So bila dia dah terlanggar lori, dia terlanggar plak teksi kitorang, nasib baik sikit je, bangla bawak teksi ni (Zia) terus cargas lari sebab takut polis saman dia walaupun dia x salah, hahahaha. Adeh, pak arab ni, tau la kaya, dah tau nak repair keta sini mahal, lagi nak bawak macam cilake, bawak la elok2, adeh.

Pastu tengahari, aku dah gaduh ngan geng Mpeople ni plak, hahaha, macam cilake je. Actually mende kecik je pasal report yang ntah bila nak siap ntah tu, haha, yep aku tau mende kecik. Tapi dah dia duk blame budak company aku yang asyik buat silap, tu aku panas, hahahaha. Mpeople ni, aku x yah buat baik pun x pe, x penting pun. Nampak cam aku tak professional kan? Haha, pedulik ape aku, ko bukan bos aku, ko bukan client aku, suka suki je nak blame2. Dah la duk suruh buat keje yang bukan keje kitorang, ahhh, pi mampus la! Hahaha. Aku pun x berminat nak jumpa/deal ngan korang lagi la. Huh!

Fuh, you can say i'm not professional, who cares! Aku tau la bila aku nak jadi professional, dengan sape aku nak professional. Maybe time ni je kot aku gaduh2, tengok la lepas ni camne, aku pun malas nak layan mende2 bodoh ni, tapi dah terpaksa, kene layan gak, adeh. Ni bukan masalah pak arab, ni masalah "putarbelit"nye geng. Lantak lah. Hahaha.

Tengah fikir dan mencari2 jalan untuk menunaikan haji. Ada macam2 package, tapi dari segi undang2 saudi, adakah aku yang hanya mempunyai visa business boleh masuk mekah untuk menunaikan fardu haji? Hmmm, kalau boleh, legal, aku nak sangat pergi, tapi kalau masuk illegal, takde permit haji, aku terpaksa melepaskan peluang ni kot, mungkin ada sebab dan hikmah kenapa aku tak dapat pergi. InsyaAllah, kalau ada rezeki, aku dapat menunaikannya, kalau tak, maybe belum lagi masanya kot.

Anyway, 25 working days more to go!


Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Hmm, so far ok, in the future, i really don't know, need to prepare my self a bit about technical stuff (ohh i hate that system!), but if got something wrong or this project is not finish in time, it is not my fault. I REPEAT, IT IS NOT MY FAULT! HUH! Promise is a promise. I will do my best here but i've done what i've start, that's it! We already made an agreement before we came here. Cukup bulan, aku cargas! Hahaha, pi mampus la kalau ada masalah, hahaha, sape suh tak plan and manage properly. Ape punya management daa.



Friday, November 02, 2007


Some of piccas, taken at KSA.

Me, in the cab, on the way to our client office. *Yasar, yamin, 'ala tol!

Client office. where i being force to work, for at least 2 months :P

Me, Bob and Zain in Ihram, waiting for our cab to go to Makkah for Umrah.

Alhamdulillah, last night, me, Zain and Bob have a chance to perform our Umrah, this is my second time here since the first time is in the year 2000 which i came with my family. Syukur, looking forward to perform Umrah again next week, insyaAllah.

Me and Zain, in front of Masjidil Haram, after done performing our Umrah, Alhamdulillah.

*yasar = left
yamin = right
'ala tol = go straight

p/s: Thanks to Bob for his new Nokia N95.



I do wonder, can i survive handling this stupid project alone? What if all my colleagues leave me alone here? I do feel alone right now. Hmm, i don't know, time will tell. Ahh, persetankan semua tu! Seems like i'm like a baby huh? Hahaha. Need to prepare myself if this happen! Come on man, other people can do, so do i!

It is better if my wife is right here beside me now


Wednesday, October 31, 2007


It's already 4 days i've been working at the client side office here. Last 3 days was a tired days, i've been so sleepy because i don't have any things to do. But today, i got a task to do which is updating a reports slide presentation for client directors. Hmm, fyi, this jobs is not our responsibility to do it, it's their jobs actually, but i don't know why i'm still doing it. I'm just continuing what our previous staff have done before. Anyway, since i still can handle it, it's not a really big problems. Or maybe it's just the beginning until i'll explode because of the pressure from those stupid clients. Haha!

Haha, the most stupidest and laziest client i ever met. Seriously! Haha, 3 races, all 3 are stupid! Duh! I wonder what are they thinking for doing their jobs. They don't want to follow what their boss just said, they think they are the most knowledgeable and correct person in this world, bull shit! stupid. Hahahaha. It's so funny to watch their stupidity. However, i'm still not stress yet, hopefully i'm not. I'm still in control. Haha. Let's follow what are the games they playing on, kui! No, our client are too good for us and they are clever too.

Enough about works. Life here at Jeddah, so far i can mix with their culture and their foods. Foods are not much variety compare to Malaysia, but still i can swallow it. Need to recall back basic arabic words. Yes, i'm learning arabic in my secondary school, but, i'm failed it, haha! Still and still missing my wifey. Will call her again later.

53 days and counting ...


Since i want to be a good husband, i edited a bit my post as requested by my wife, hehehe
ayg: Since i love my husband so much, i edited a bit of his post, hehehe

Friday, October 26, 2007

Touch Down!

Alhamdulillah, syukur. Finally, i've arrive at Jeddah safely, touch down around 7pm local time and the immigration process went smooth without any problems, Alhamdulillah. Zain already waited for us at International Airport to pickup us and went straightly to the apartment. Now,the local time is 21:56(25/10) and Malaysia time is +5 hours which is around 02:56(26/10). I'm now accessing the internet using a home's wifi and the coverage is only 2 bar, well, enough for me to check email, browsing and chatting. Well, we'll see what will happen here about my jobs. I hope i can do all task that given to me soon, insyaAllah. That's all the updates for now.

ps: urghh, i'm so miss my wife! hehe.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Jeddah, KSA

A next few hours, i will be flying thousand miles from my lovely country to the middle east, to be specific, Jeddah KSA. I will be leaving my lovely wife alone, ermm, she will staying with her mother la. Well, i will miss her so much! I hope she will miss me so much too, hehe. Of course she will hehe. A new experience i will face, a new people, a new place, a new environment, new responsibility hmmm, maybe it will be a lil' bit challange. Well, hopefully everything will be fine. If got rezeki i will perform an Umrah or maybe Haj, insyaAllah, amin. May Allah will guide me and give me an easy way/path, amin.

To my lovely wife, Sayang, I love you so much and i will miss you sayang, just wait for me, it's just only 2 months, insyaAllah, i'll be back!

Departure : 15:15 (KUL) 25 Oct 2007.



Lama tak update. Raya? Hehe, ya, raya sakan! Hampir satu Malaysia gak la round, dari selatan ke utara. Haha. Mana taknye, raya 1, KL, petang raya 1, balik kampung kat Bukit Tempurung, Negeri Sembilan. Raya ke 2, balik kampung Tampuk Laut, Benut, Johor. Raya ke 3 balik Seremban. Raya ke 4, pi Ipoh, Raya ke 5, Pi Kuala Kangsar, raya 6, round Ipoh, hoho, raya ke 7, balik KL balik, pastu round raya KL pulak, ye la kan, dulu aku sorang ikut family aku je, skang aku dah berdua, so ada 2 family aku nak kene raya. Hehe.

Baju J!NX dah dapat, hehe, puas hati2. Thanks Bro (Hezli) pasai baju ni. Kalau nak harap aku beli sendiri, tak terbeli2 de, haha. Tu je kot. Lama dah aku cuti ni, hahahaha, puas hati aku!


Thursday, October 11, 2007

Aid Mubarak

To all my muslim friends all over the world,


Tuesday, October 09, 2007

27 Ramadhan 1428

Hari ni dah masuk 27 Ramadhan, bermakna, tinggal lagi 4 hari lagi kita akan menyambut 1 Syawal. Sungguh cepat masa berlalu. Aku terasa cepatnya Ramadhan ini berlalu. Ibadah pun tunggang terbalik.

Ya Allah, masih banyakkah waktu untuk aku?


Sunday, October 07, 2007

Tagged on Books

I got tagged! What! Again? haha. Kimi just tagged me about a list of books that i like to read. Well, Kimi, are you sure you want to tag me with this topic? Haha. I got a bunch of books at home but, hmm, i'm kind of read books depend on my mood, anyway, it's true that i like to read books. Well, i'll try my best to list some of books that i currently read, of course it will not reach until 30, haha and i don't exactly remember the correct title of those books.

1. Just For Fun: Linus Torvalds Biography
2. Time Management for System Administrators
3. Pregnancy week by week (i'll bought it for me and my wife to read it, hehe)
4. Magazine? Car magz, Personal Money, Digital Camera, etc.

Aiseh, tak ingat dah buku ape lagi aku baca, haha, tak cecah pun 10, haha, pity me, haha. Buku yang sekarang ni pun berchinta gak nak habiskan baca. Kui. So i think, i'm not the suitable guy for you to tag, Kimi. Hehe, sorry mate!


Sunday, September 30, 2007

2 Months

Dua bulan je beb, dua bulan je! sabar2! kuatkan semangat! Orang lain boleh, aku pun mesti boleh! InsyaAllah!

p/s: Sometime i think I'm lucky, because of based on my age that i think I'm the youngest who got selected to go there where there's still got a people who are experienced and better than me, or maybe that place is totally suck then I'm the shit left who they can send and no one want to confront all the shit, haha. funny tho.

but still, i think I'm lucky.


The truth is, i'm worried a lot!

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Alhamdulillah syukur, ada increment dan backdated. Rezeki di bulan yang mulia. Semoga rezeki aku dan keluarga aku dimurahkan lagi dan rezeki dari sumber yang halal, amin.

p/s: Nak pi bayar zakat fitrah.


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

J!NX T-Shirt (Bulk)

My friend doing a bulk purchase of J!NX clothes. Mostly they sell T-shirts, Sweaters, Woman Clothings etc. etc. The range of clothing is from Video Games, World of Warcraft, Pirates and such. More info you go to

MOQ (Minimum Order Quota)

He don't have a minimum order but if more than 50 orders he probably can reduce the shipping price.

The calculation is (Your Item (x current us exchange rate) + RM10 for shipping over here.

So feel free to pick your items. He will collect the money after 2 weeks this ads is posted. After that he will closed this bulk and hopefully by next 2 weeks the stuff will arrive.

Shipping Method

He prefer to COD but he can do poslaju if needed. COD at Mid Valley, One Utama, KLCC, Kajang, Bangi and Damansara. Feel free to ask him any questions if you are not sure about anything. He can be contact via email at jinxmalaysia[AT] You can check the thread posted at forum at here.


He will collect the money after 2 weeks. He want to make sure that all the orders are met. So just tell him what do you want, what size is it and total cost. He will buy the items on 12 October. The money will be gradually collected from 7 October onwards.

Thank you, happy shopping!



Al-Fatihah buat Allahyarham Pak Wahyu, bapak yang baik serta rakan kerja cawangan di Jakarta, Indonesia yang telah kembali ke Rahmatullah pada 26/09/07. Semoga rohnya di tempatkan bersama orang2 yang beriman dan dicucuri rahmat ke atasnya, insyaAllah.

Teringat kembali ketika aku berada di Jakarta dulu pada tahun 2005 dan ketika itu juga Ramadhan, serta tahun 2006 kali kedua aku bertemu dengannya. Salam takziah kepada keluarga beliau di sana.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

New Gizmo!

New gizmo in da house! Bought it last 2 days at Midvalley Megamall. It's was really a cool stuff with a lot of features. Only the processor is a lil' bit low compare to the latest technology now days and Vista sucks, but, it's not a big problem to me. Anyway, I'm satisfied and happy with it for now and maybe will be using it for at least another 3-4 years.

p/s: I still hope i get it from office too tho.


Monday, September 24, 2007

Kerepek Raya

Rasa macam nak beli kuih raya? Terutama kerepek? Tapi rasa macam malas gila nak pi cari kat kedai kerepek sebab penat puasa, panas, bersesak2 dengan orang lain. Jangan risau, anda ada pilihan untuk elak semua tu. Anda boleh membeli kerepek secara online. Biar betul?! Ya, betul! Anda hanya perlu layari

untuk senarai kerepek atau kuih raya dan macam2 lagi (coming soon) dan juga tempahan. Segala tempahan anda akan kami cuba tunaikan, insyaAllah. Untuk proses penghantaran, sila layari menu payment & shipping. Kepada officemate saya, anda boleh membuat tempahan melalui laman web/email/no phone dalam laman web tersebut, pembayaran pula anda boleh COD apabila menerima kerepek2 tersebut daripada saya.

Selamat bershopping!


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Salam Ramadhan

Salam Ramadhan Mubarak. Semoga bulan Ramadhan tahun ini membuat hati kita lebih tabah menempuh dugaan yang mendatang, dan semoga ibadah kita diterima olehNya, insyaAllah.


Ikhlas Akram & Murni.


Mass Update!

Banyak benda nak update, tapi aku malas. Kui!


HITB, yerp, aku sempat pi HITB pada 5/9 haritu kat Hilton Hotel Kl Sentral. Lokasi dah tukar. Selalu Westin. Lokasi kali ni senang nak pergi sebab boleh naik LRT je. Tapi dengar cerita, tahun depan diorang nak pi Westin Balik. Well, seperti biasa, jumpa orang2 yang sama, kawan2 lama. Lepak kat booth2 tgk CTF, zoneH pun bukak booth utk game diorang, tapi x de goodies macam 2 tahun lepas. Beli Tshirt HITB, 1 je design baru, 2 lagi design lama, cuma tukar tahun je, hehe.

IDS Class for Jeddah Guy

4/9, ngajar Pak Arab dari Jeddah ni sorang, IDS (aku ajar install Snort dan configuration), actually sebelum tu, aku dah ajar Firewall, bos aku adhoc suruh aku ngajar, nak wat camne, ikut je la. Pak arab ni jenis blur. Aku tgk signature email dia, perghhh certification macam amik UPSR je. Tapi adeh, letih nak mengajar. Pelik la macamana diorang boleh amik cert banyak2 gila terus. Maybe money matters. Pastu kalau pergi makan, komplen tak hingat, ingat Jeddah tu bagus sangat ka? Huh!

Kad Nikah JAWI

Kad nikah aku dah ambil, yerp, JAWI punya kad nikah style Mykad, hehe, best2. Cuma yang x best, gambar aku tu gambar lama sebab masa aku pergi tu, gambar aku x bawak (aku ingat bleh amik digital kat situ je). So aku gamble gunting kad penghuni apartment aku ni sebab tu je kad ada gambar aku dan kad tu bukan guna sangat pun. Haha, belasah je, janji ada gambar aku. Tak perlu la bawak sijil nikah merata lagi, hehe.

2nd Honeymoon @ Pangkor

8-10/9, aku pi bercuti dengan wife aku ke Teluk Batik dan Pulau Pangkor. Hehe. Sebenarnya, wife aku ada Treasure hunt Bernas, so dia ajak aku join. Aku fikir menarik gak kalau join sebab aku x pernah treasure hunt guna kereta lagi. Ada 2 orang lagi follow kereta aku iaitu kawan sekerja wife aku. So team aku ada 4 orang la. Start kereta no. 2 tapi yang paling lambat sampai, hahaha. Sampai2 je terus nak gerak, huuhu. Best gak la. Ikut jalan lama. Lalu Kuala Selangor, lalu Teluk Intan sampai la Manjung dan Teluk Batik. Penat tak ingat sebab aku sorang je drive, huuu.

Check point kene berhenti kat kilang2 Bernas. Kene selesaikan teka teki untuk beli harta dia, ada 4 harta, tapi 3 je dapat. Antara harta ialah mangga, ayam brand macarel, bantal dan juga poster motivasi. Yang team aku x dapat ialah poster motivasi. Sebenarnya dah dapat dah poster tu, tapi tak pasti betul ke poster huhu. Blasah je la. Bantal siap pi lumut beli bantal sponge bob haha. Sampai hotel Teluk Batik Resort pukul 3++ p.m. Malamnye ada sesi penyampaian hadiah dan makan malam. Tapi tak sangka, aku target team aku dalam top 10 je, rupa2nya, dapat no. 3. Hahahaha. Sungguh puas hati dan balik modal gak la. No. 3 dapat hadiah RM750 dan kena la bahagi 4 nanti. Hehe, ok la. Wife aku pun dapat cabutan bertuah hamper besar, hehe, tak bukak2 lagi hamper tu. Looking forward to join this event again in the year 2009 perhaps? hehe.

Hari ahad tu event habis, tapi aku dan wife ambil AL pada isnin, sebab kami pergi ke Pulau Pangkor. Huhu, first time aku pi Pangkor. Ambil hotel kat Teluk Nipah. Hotel tahap murah je tapi harga rm110 gak la semalam, dem! Rasa macam sepatutnya harga rm60 je, huuu. Belasah je la. Tiket bot rm20 untuk 2 orang pergi balik. Teksi dari jeti ke Teluk Nipah Rm20 pergi balik 2 orang. Sampai2 hotel, lepak2 jap. Pastu petang keluar jalan2 tepi pantai. Wife aku nak pi snorkeling. Hehe, mula2 aku memang tak bagi sebab ye la aku takut gak dengan keadaan dia sekarang, naik bot tu semua. Last2 aku bagi gak la sebab ni je sekali. So kitorang amik la boat tour dan snorkeling. Rm40 gak la, siap equipment la.

Snorkel kat Pulau Giam (macam gaim je, huhu). Ikan jinak2 sana kalau bagi roti la, tapi jenis ikan sikit je dan time aku pergi petang tu ramai pulak orang, so macam boring sikit la. Aku x bagi wife aku snorkel jauh2 sebab dia bukan pandai berenang (aku pun :P). Boleh la best gak. Ni 2nd time aku snorkel, 1st time dulu dengan Abah snorkel kat Pulau Tioman. InsyaAllah aku nak plan, lepas wife aku deliver nanti dan lepas pantang. Kalau ada masa dan ongkos, aku tour pi tempat2 menarik kat dalam Malaysia ni yang boleh snorkel. Nak amik lesen PADI, mahal pulak dan aku pun x rajin nak pi selalu, so macam membazir je. Hari isnin pagi tu pulak, kitorang pi mandi laut kat tepi hotel je. Hehe, lama aku x mandi laut. Pi Bali haritu tak sentuh laut pun. Air dia boleh tahan la, bersih gak la pantainye compare dengan P.D. Haha. Tengahari kitorang pun berangkat la balik KL. Dengan ikut jalan jauhnye hahaha, blasah. Tapi memang enjoy la. Thanks sayang. Hehe. Hilang segala tekanan aku kat opis ni kejap hahaha.

p/s: Piccas will update soon, kalau rajin hehe.


Sunday, September 02, 2007


I've done a lot of thinking lately, lot of planning. About my life, my family, my career. About the best news eva, yep, you are right! I'll will having a baby. My wife was detected pregnant by the Doctor last Thursday. I'm very happy about the news and of course a lil' bit nervous because this is my first time experience of having a pregnancy wife that i should care a lot and my first experience will having a baby. Man! You know what i meant if you are the first time father too. Haha, i will become a daddy! Oh, believe it or not, hehe. I'm so excited right now. Hehe. :)

About my career, I've been thinking a lot lately. I'm feeling it right now the hard of working shift hour rather than working 9-6 if you married and your wife is now pregnant for a first time experience. I'm planning to changing my work time schedule maybe, or maybe a new department with a 9-6 working hours or maybe a new environment or maybe just live with it until the end of the world? Changing a new work environment is a hard decision to make, but if i got a better offer, maybe i need to consider it.

Hmm, until now, i have no decision being made. I got a news that my name is still on the list for people who will go to the middle east because of jobs related for 3 (three) 2 (two) months as my conversation with my boss after Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, well, this is a sad news for me and my wife because she is in the first three months of critical time in pregnancy. Hmmm, i hope i will not going there because i know that my wife really needs me in this time. It will effect my part time degree too. Arghh! I don't want to be rude. I have never denied any task given to me before from my boss, but this time, i think i need to deny it, can i? Well, i'll pray to God to give an easy way for me to handle the situation, amin.

Well, this is just my heart feeling right now, i hope God will give me strength and spirit to me and my wife to handle all situation and expect the unexpected.


Friday, August 31, 2007


Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan ke-50, MalaysiaKu Gemilang! I'm proud to be Malaysian!


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Exploit Lab

Today and tomorrow i will attend an Exploit Lab Training from Sk. The training is about teaching me how to create and exploit from buffer overflow and etc. It's a good training to get an idea how exploiter find a vulnerability in some application by using reverse engineering. Really glad that i can join and learn this training from Sk for free. This training also been presented in BlackHat USA 2007 and also at HITBSecConfKL2007. If you interest in joining this training in HITBSecConfKL2007, click here for more details.


This workshop shall introduce how buffer overflow vulnerabilities arise in programs and how they get exploited. The workshop will take you deep inside how programs are loaded and execute within memory, how to spot buffer overflow conditions and how exploits get constructed for these overflow conditions. By exposing the inner mechanisms of such exploits, we will understand how to prevent such vulnerabilities from arising.

The workshop will cover analysis of stack overflows, heap overflows and format string vulnerabilities. Examples of vulnerabilities shall be provided on both the Windows as well as the Unix platform. The class is highly hands-on and very lab intesive. The hands-on lab provides real-life examples of programs containing vulnerabilities, and participants are required to analyse and exploit these vulnerabilities.

Who should attend

Pen-testers, developers, just about anyone who wants to understand how exploits work.

Key learning objectives

Understanding error conditions.
Categories of error conditions - stack overflow, heap overflow, off-
by-one, format string bugs, integer overflows (this class will deal
only with stack, heap and format string)
Unix process memory map
Win32 process memory map
Writing shellcode
Real life exploit construction
Secure coding practices
Kernel level protection mechanisms

Attendees will require:

A working knowledge of operating systems, Win32 and Unix
Ability to compile programs using GCC
Ability to use vi/pico/joe editors
Understanding of C programming would be a bonus

The important notes is:

This class requires you to sign a code-of-ethics document, which is to ensure appropriate use of such techniques.


Best News Eva!

Today, i got the best news in my whole life from my lovely wife! I'm so happy + a lil' bit nervous hehe, but really I'm so happy for the news and grateful about it.

Soon to be announce!


Saturday, August 25, 2007


Huu, SPR dah update data aku setelah sekian lama aku daftar kat booth SPR kat klcc hari tu (alamak, kantoi baru daftar). Nampaknya memang pilihan raya dah dekat, sebab tu jadi efisyen semacam. So kawan2 semua, mari la kita menunaikan tanggungjawab kita memilih pemimpin kita pada masa akan datang.

Aku undi ape? Undi adalah rahsia! Ermm, rahsia ke? Jeng!

"Marilah mari, pergi mengundi,
Jangan lupa kewajipan pada negara~"


Monday, August 20, 2007

>;( & :)

Hmm, kadang2 aku pelik la, macamana la diorang ni manage buat keje? Kejap jadi, kejap x jadi, pastu kang tetiba jadi balik. Wei, aku pun ada benda nak buat la, plan la betul2. Plan awal2, jangan nak menyusahkan orang je. Kalau kene balik kat aku, memang cilaka la. Aku dah tangguh semester, pastu x jadi, aku cancel tangguh, kalau kene gak, terpaksa tangguh balik, bodoh betul. Semua nak lepas diri sendiri. Semua pentingkan diri sendiri. Serius, kalau mende ni jadi kat aku balik, aku nekad dah ape aku nak buat.


Kelmarin balik Seremban. Ahad register semester september dan amik modul. Nama aku ada dalam senarai penerima PTPTN sebab aku layak, pointer semester lepas atas 2.0 so tak payah bayar masa pendaftaran. So settle dah register OUM. Tapi tutorial 1 maybe aku tak dapat datang, sebab ikut plan, aku ikut wife aku pergi Lumut, dia ada event kat sana. Kene apply A.L la nampaknya.

Hari ni, 1st service kereta baru wife aku. Meter dah cecah 1200km, huu. Service lama sikit sebab kereta banyak. Anyway, puas hati gak la rasa service diorang ni, banyak menda dia check.

Tadi tengahari, Abang a.k.a Abang Jane belanja makan kenny rogers sempena bonus dia paling banyak antara department aku ni, hahaha (jangan marah bang). Terima kasih banyak2 sebab sudi belanja makan, hehe.

Dah, tu je.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Album Preview

Really the puas hati.


All piccas here is belongs to me and Digital Syndicate, no permission given to anyone to publish it or copy it or what ever you want to do with this piccas. Please, don't do it.


Alhamdulillah, dapat dah bonus setelah 4 bulan tertunda, fuh, lama gila. Walau apa pun, walau sikit mana pun dapat, aku tetap bersyukur atas rezeki yang datang. Daripada tak dapat langsung, atleast ada juga. Terima kasih banyak2 kepada Bos aku En. WSWI dan kepada top2 management, CEO, CSO etc. atas pemberian bonus ni.

Oh, album gambar majlis pernikahan aku dah siap oleh professional photographer yang aku hired haritu. Baru je amik tadi kat dia, dah settle bayar balance payment. So, segala perbelanjaan untuk kahwin aku dah settle semuanya. Sebab album je yang paling last skali nak kene bayar, kira penutup la, hehe. Besh2. Memang puas hati la dengan hasil kerja diorang ni. 5 star aku bagi. Kalau korang berminat, bleh hired diorang gak, bleh tengok hasil kerja mereka di Digital Syndicate. Besh! Thanks to Azam and Dell for being our official photographer and give the besh you have. Memang cun!

Aku akan preview sedikit2 gambar dari lens mereka nanti dalam next post, insyaAllah.


Thursday, August 09, 2007


Here the piccas of our honeymoon at Bali Island, Indonesia on 10-13 July 2007, just 3 days after our reception ceremony at Seremban, hehe. Enjoy!

Our hotel where we staying. It's at Amlapura Candidasa area, quite far from the airport.

My wife seriously looking at the map of Bali to start our adventure journey, ngeh ngeh!

Wifey near to Mount Agong (The largest active volcano at Bali Island). We are actually on the way to Mount Batur (a small active volcano) at Kintamani.

Wifey posing at the painting place near, ermm, i'm not sure where, but it's near to Ubud and Mas. Well, we bought 1 painting but until now, we don't know where to place the painting yet, huu.

p/s: More piccas soon, ok!


Saturday, August 04, 2007

Hezli's Baby

Congratulation too to my good friend, Hezli for his new born baby girl last week (27/07/2007:4.50pm)with weight of 3kg. Hari ni, lepas pergi kenduri Pejai dan Hainey, aku dan wifey cargas pi rumah mak mertua Hezli to visit his new baby. Nama dah ada, tapi tak register lagi katanya, Hana Safiya. She is such a cute baby and got a very nice name. Hehe.

Well bro, congratulation again, you need to learn to be a good daddy right now, not just playing with your games, but need to feed your daughter too, not only with milk and food but with ilmu, iman and takwa. Welcome to a new life that make you not enough of sleep bro, hehe.

p/s: I wish i wanna joining your club too bro, soon! InsyaAllah, if Allah give me rezeki.


Pejai's Wedding

First of all, congratulation to you bro and sis! Welcome to the club! Hehe. Semalam ialah majlis akad nikah sahabat baik aku sejak zaman sekolah dulu, Mr. Pejai a.k.a Tojeng (kwang3) a.k.a Faizal Hassan Mokhtar with his new wife, Puan Hainey hoho. Both of them were in the same school with me before.

Petang tadi, me and my wife pergi menghadiri majlis bersanding mereka berdua ni di Wisma Sejarah, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. Atas permintaan mereka berdua, aku diminta jadi photographer lompat (actually, they already got their own photographer, kira aku menyibuk je sebenarnya, hehe). Tapi sayang, aku x dapat duk lama join sampai petang kerana aku dan wife aku ada hal lepas tu, malam pulak aku kerja, so, to Pejai and Hainey, i am really sorry about that, i hope i can but i can't joining both of you.

Anyway, congratulation again for your wedding and i wish you both live happily ever after, murah rezeki dan dikurniakan anak2 yang soleh serta solehah hendaknya. Once again, welcome to the club bro!

p/s: I wish i can come to your reception ceremony at your parents home too bro! InsyaAllah. I will upload and email the piccas to you soon, it's not that good but bolehla kot :P.


Friday, August 03, 2007

IDS&FW Teaching

Fuh, akhirnya, settle ajar 3 orang pak arab dari Riyadh. Mereka semua ialah staff dari CITC. Well, aku ditugaskan untuk mengajar IDS dan Firewall bersama dengan Radzi. Pak arab yang ni ok la, budak2 muda, ada yang memang nak belajar, ada yang nak melancong je, ada yang berlagak terel. Haha, macam2 karekter korang boleh kenal dalam masa 2 hari. Lawak pun ada. Ada sorang tu suka kat amoi, pekejadah la.

Anyway, I think this is the stepping stone to improve my personal relationship and also the english when speak to other people, my rules are simple, don't be shy if you not good in english, theres a lot of people who don't know english better then you. Just try and you never know how much improvement you can make.

Okeh, nanti bleh claim training, yey!


Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Fuh, lega! Only God knows why.


Monday, July 30, 2007


Happy 1 month anniversary to both of us as a husband and wife! Wah dah sebulan berlalu. Hope our relationship will be longlast forever and happy always and murah rezeki and diberkati etc2. I love you very much sayang!


Saturday, July 28, 2007

Pursuit of Happyness

I'm so touch while watching this movie, Pursuit of Happyness. Yep, i just got a chance to watch it now since it was released along time ago. It's based on a true story about a man living in a hard way, living with a lot of problems with his son but in the end he achieve a success in his life. Cerita ni memang banyak pengajaran. Ajar supaya cekal, x mudah putus asa, jujur dan macam2 lagi la.

Memang mengusik jiwa betul dan membuat aku berfikir, betapa ada orang yang lebih tidak bernasib baik jika aku fikir aku tidak bernasib baik, ada orang lebih susah jika aku fikir aku susah, ada orang lebih cekal kalau aku fikir aku sudah cukup cekal, ada orang lebih tidak mudah putus asa berbanding aku. This is a very good story to be an example for you if you already think that you don't have any chance to be success in your life anymore. I'm really-really touch.

Aku betul-betul bersyukur kerana aku masih lagi mampu untuk hidup dengan selesa bersama-sama isteri aku sekarang. Aku betul-betul bersyukur yang aku bukan dalam golongan yang susah macam dalam cerita tu. Semoga aku dan keluarga aku dikurniakan kebahagian dunia dan akhirat serta dimurahkan rezeki olehNya, amin.


Friday, July 27, 2007

Interview: Richard Bejtlich

A good interview articles to read if you are a Network Security Analyst (like me now). All that Richard said was true and it was all around you if you notice it.

An Interview with Richard Bejtlich — GE Director of Incident Response.

Q: "What makes a good network security analyst?"

A: "First, you need to want to beat the bad guys. If you are entering the security field because you heard a commercial on the radio advertising higher pay, you will not get far. You need to understand the business you are protecting, the processes and the technologies. I recommend having some system administration experience. I’ve had multiple students in my classes who do not have the foggiest notion where to look for the files that comprise a static HTML Web site, for example. You have to understand the attacks the adversary employs. I’ve talked with people who “play defense,” but who have no interest whatsoever in learning how the offense operates. If you don’t know offense, how are you going to play defense? I think it’s important to read because it helps you stay current. You also need a curious mind and be detail-oriented so you can perform investigations."

Q: "Over the next 2-3 years, what are the biggest challenges you think the security industry is going to face?"

A: "I see several challenges. If it hasn’t happened already, people are going to wonder why they spent several million dollars deploying a SIM/SEM/SIEM, and they are “still being hacked.” I am exceptionally worried about clients being exploited via Web browsers and subsequently controlled via encrypted Web channels. I see more of our investigation and security tools being directly targeted. I think people are going to spend millions on NAC and also ask why they are “still being hacked.” I’m hearing that organizations with 80% NAC coverage are seeing intruders target the remaining 20%. Which, interestingly enough, are the most vulnerable already — all those embedded Web servers on printers, routers, etc… along with new consumer equipment. There’s no shortage of work."

Q: "And finally, are we really still secure after all these years?"

A: "Nope! :-) Security is “the process of maintaining an acceptable level of perceived risk.” It never ends."


Friday, July 20, 2007

Resepsi Piccas 1

Yeh yeh, semalam hari 1st aku masuk office balik lepas dekat 3 minggu gak aku cuti, hohoho, x kasi can! As usual, bored while in the office! So, boring ni, aku letak sikit2 la gambar masa majlis aku haritu, gambar tak brape lawa, biasala, amateur, akak aku yang snapkan, takkan aku nak snap sendiri plak kan? Kene tunggu lagi 2 bulan kot baru album dari professional photographer aku siap, yang tu insyaAllah cun, tungguuu! Hehe.

Ni piccas yang aku bleh share ngan korang, tapi tak edit ape pun, malas, hehe, enjoy!

Majlis Resepsi Di Kompleks Sukan Bandar Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur 30/06/2007

p/s: Rasa macam sultan plak duk kat atas tu, hehe.


Monday, July 16, 2007

I'm Married! Yey!

Alhamdulillah, the wedding ceremony run just fine. Syukur, and now, my life was just started as a husband to a lovely wife that i just married. Two days more to finish my holiday (yeahh, i took a long holiday, persetankan yang lain!), then back to the workplace this thursday, arghh! malasnya. Malas nak fikir, ape nak jadi nanti jadi lah. Rasa macam nak blah je, tapi sabar lagi sabar. Makin lama makin mengarut plak rasa.

Anyway, stay tune for my pictures story about my akad nikah, my wedding at wifey place, Kuala Lumpur, my wedding at my parent house, Seremban and my honeymoon, ngeh3.

Thank you to all my friends who coming to my wedding ceremony either at KL or Seremban. Thank you very much, i really appreciate it.


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

5 Days&Counting

Aku sungguh excited dan cuak ketika menghitung hari, masih terdapat 5 hari sahaja lagi untuk aku bertukar status bujang. Bertambah lagi 2 patah perkataan dalam kamus hidup aku iaitu suami dan isteri. Ini mungkin merupakan posting terakhir aku mengakhiri zaman bujang aku. Majlis akad nikah dan majlis kahwin sebelah perempuan akan berlangsung pada 30 June 2007. Akad nikah akan berlangsung di Masjid Al-Muqarrabin, Bandar Tasik Selatan.

p/s: Hihi, dah nak kawin dah aku rupanya, tak sangka :P.

"Ya Allah, semoga segala urusan perkahwinanku nanti berjalan dengan lancar tanpa sebarang masalah yang tidak diingini berlaku. Semoga Kau kurniakan kami kebahagian dunia akhirat selepas mendirikan rumah tangga ini. Ya Allah, lapangkanlah dadaku dan permudahkanlah urusanku, amin ya rabbal alamin."

رَبِّÙŠْ اشْرَØ­ْ Ù„ِÙŠْ صَدْرِÙŠْ ÙˆَÙŠَسِّرْ Ù„ِÙŠْ Ø£َÙ…ْرِÙŠْ
Rabbisyrah lii sadrii wayassirlii amrii


Friday, June 15, 2007

RHCT Certified!

For the pass 5 days, i'm taking a certification class and examination for Red Hat Certified Engineer. My company send me to take that exam (thanks to my bos and my company for this). The training was held at the Training Choice Sdn. Bhd., MUI Plaza, Jalan P.Ramlee, KL. The training was good. The trainer was good too (Thanks to Mr. Greg Hosler). This course was a rapid track for RHCE which is a course for people who already have a knowledge about linux especially RedHat. Focusing on RHEL 4, it's not as easy as you think (yes, some of it quite tough and some of it maybe easy if you got a deep knowledge about linux). If you just got a basic knowledge about linux, RHCE is not for you. RHCT is more suitable course for you.

Well, today is the exam day. I already receive the result from RedHat. As i guess before, i'll endup with only RHCT, not RHCE because of a silly mistake and it's really just a few more marks to pass RHCE. Anyway, Alhamdulillah for that RHCT, it's not too bad for receiving only RHCT rather then receiving nothing. If i got chance, money and time, i think i wanna re-do the examination again to receiving RHCE. Next course will be on RHEL 5 and it got a lot of changes from RHEL 4. Hopefully, i can manage to get it, soon?

Verify My RHCT Certificate.

Congratulations -- you have passed the RHCT portion of the RHCE exam,
and thus have earned the designation Red Hat Certified Technician.
Your RHCT Certificate number is 604007389713517.

RHCE requirements: completion of compulsory items (50 points)
overall section score of 80 or higher
RHCT requirements: completion of compulsory items (50 points)

Compulsory Section I score: 50.0
Non-compulsory Section I score: 20.0
Overall Section I score: 70

RHCE requirements: score of 70 or higher on RHCT components (100 points)
score of 70 or higher on RHCE components (100 points)

RHCT requirement: score of 70 or higher on RHCT components (100 points)

RHCT components score: 81.8%
RHCE components score: 67.9%

RHCT Certification: PASS
RHCE Certification: NO PASS


p/s: Demm! sikit je lagi nak dapat RHCE! Arghh!

:( & :)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I'm Getting Married!

Yahooo! I'm getting married, soon! To all who know me and reading this blog, my old/new/current friends, from school, college, ex company, current company, irc, forums, ym, friendster, whatever else, I'm saving a tree for my (future) children, so please accept this e-card same as a physical card. It's still the same event. I'm still inviting you to come to my wedding ceremony.

p/s: The day is come! Menghitung hari, detik demi detik!~ Huuuu!


Sunday, June 10, 2007


Hehe, i think i already speak/talk/write too much right now in the forums that suppose to be open and knowledgeable but people seams not to understand or accept any of my opinion. Need to slowdown a bit. Well, i'm got nothing to loose if i'm not posting any of my opinion again or reply or whatever. Hehe. Let's just it be. People nowdays are really smart and they got their own opinion and think their opinion is always right. Other people who doesn't agreed with them is a looser. Wahaha. Whatever man! The choice is yours. Look whose talking.


Thursday, June 07, 2007

Result OUM

Huhu, semester ni (Jun 2007), aku tangguh pengajian OUM kerana banyak hal yang tak dapat dielakkan. Mungkin semester depan (September 2007) pun terpaksa tangguh gak kalau kene pi Middle East, hmmm. Anyway, semalam aku check LMS OUM untuk tengok samada result exam semester lepas (Januari 2007) dah keluar ke belum. Sekali dah keluar daa. Result tu, hmm, tak brape nak cemerlang sangat, average je la. Slack kat Math Discrete skit. Boleh laa. Huuuu.

click for a larger view.


Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Tahniah PakLah

pic taken from Ayoi's blog that he taken from Malaysiakini

Our Prime Minister, Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is getting marriage. He already announce this good news to the media today. He will marriage with the woman he choose which is his late wife sister in law name Jeanne Abdullah. The majlis akad nikah will be held on 9th june 2007 this saturday at his residence, Sri Perdana Putrajaya. His face look really happy when announcing the news. I, as a citizen of Malaysia would like to congrats him and his new wife for this marriage. Tahniah again to our prime minister.


Hazim's Wedding

Congratulation to Hazim and his wife for their marriage last Sunday. Me with my fiance went to his wedding reception at his family house, Putrajaya. Hope they will live happily ever after and murah rezeki, amin.


Friday, June 01, 2007



Ohh, aku pergi service kereta (for the first time since i'll be the official owner of that car) dekat DoriDori Autoparts Sdn. Bhd. Lokasi betul2 depan Tesco Ampang (The other side of the road). Bengkel ni sebenarnye kepunyaan Nik, lama dah dia ajak datang, tapi aku x de masa yang sesuai nak pergi sana. Hehe. Dia jual halfcut gak, banyak halfcut ada, kebanyakannya GSR la yang ada sekarang, dia kata nanti nak pi jepun lagi, ambik halfcut kat sana. Huu, ganas2. Siapa2 nak service kereta ke, bleh la try service dekat sana, hasil kerja insyaAllah superb. Nak convert enjin pun boleh. Hehe. (Nik, aku dah promote ni tak dapat pape ke? :P)


Hari ni, lepas sembahyang jumaat, aku cargas balik Seremban. Pergi Columbia Hospital, melawat Pak Uda aku. Dia masuk wad. Ada infection kat kaki katanya. Tapi Alhamdulillah, dah beransur pulih dah. Pak Uda kata, masa awal2 kena dulu, bengkak lagi besar, sekarang dah surut. Lepas tu, aku singgah kat rumah jap. Wow, Abah dah beli TV baru, LCD TV plak tu, 32" Sharp Aquos, dem! Jeles gila aku.

Bilik along pun dah siap renovate, besar jadi bilik tu, macam suite hotel plak. Pastu, V6 Abah pun dah tinted sekarang, dem! jeles lagi sekali. Semua yang aku idamkan lak tu, huuuu. Takpe2, pelan2 kayuh.

p/s: Bonus mana ni? Tensen2! Huuuu!


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

It's a Relief

It's a big relief when:

Kerja yang diberikan kepada anda, anda berjaya menyelesaikannya. Serta orang memberi penghargaan kepada anda atas pertolongan yang diberikan. Alhamdulillah. Thanks Bro!

p/s: Thinking to pimping my ride, hurmm!


Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I knew how to check pc uptime using linux/unix, but i never know how to check uptime using windows. I ask around and Najib told me the command line! It's a long command to type in the command prompt in the windows, but it's cool man.

Systeminfo | Find "Up Time"


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Just For Fun

Too much sad story already, heh!

Hari ni, hari ke 3 aku lepak kat Ikano/The Curve/Ikea sebab tunang aku ada training bowling kat Cineleisure. Nak lawan banyak company lain katanya. Hehe, aku seperti biasa, kene ambil dia balik dari kerja, so aku pun lepak la skali kat situ. Tempat yang duk lepak pun kat Borders The Curve je. Tak pun Popular kat Ikano tu.

Dan sekarang, aku tengah berusaha untuk menghabiskan baca chapter 2 buku yang baru aku beli, "JUST FOR FUN: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary" by Linus Torvalds and David Diamond.

Buku ni ialah buku biography Linus Torvalds, pencipta Linux Operating System. Menceritakan bagaimana beliau bermula menulis Linux. Menarik, bahasa yang santai, senang nak faham. Actually, banyak lagi buku aku nak beli sebenarnya, tapi x pe lah, takut tak termampu nak baca, haha. Pelan2 kayuh.






Haritu aku dapat email dari bos mengatakan aku kene gak pergi Middle East pada bulan 8 selama 2 bulan walaupun aku dah bagi alasan aku yang aku rasa boleh diterima tapi still x boleh diterima gak sebab tak cukup orang. Ye aku sedih! Memang aku sedih sangat bila fikir balik. Aku terpaksa tinggalkan orang yang aku sayang, yang baru je beberapa hari hidup bersama dengan aku masa tu. Masuk bulan Ramadhan pulak tu, harap aku sempat balik Malaysia sebelum Syawal. Argh! Sedihnye!

p/s: Harap partner aku yang kene pi ngan aku tu boleh consider pergi balik dengan aku. Kalau tak memang aku tertekan betul la! Demmit! Mungkin aku kene belajar pandai bagi banyak alasan untuk mengelak dan juga hati kering atau buat muka kesian!


Sunday, May 20, 2007


Nak kene mengajar pulak! Hahahaha! Aku ni hebat gak rupanya, buat kerja2 yang bukan dalam jobscope aku. Esok lusa macam aku kene handle pak arab je, arghh! demmit!. Ermm, aku SA je sama macam SA lain. Agak2 ade can ke nak naik jadi SSA ek? or i'm still a SA but my grade and basic salary is upgrade would be enough. Sebab ni jobscope untuk SSA ni, baru berbaloi sikit. Hmm. Ntah la. Sabar tu separuh daripada iman.

"Tunggu, punya tunggu, punya tunggu ..."

Naik SSA based on seniority? Duh! Ada apa dengan pangkat?


Saturday, May 19, 2007

Bowling KSSS

Huarghh! Lama x main bowling, last main dengan tunang aku kat Midvalley kot, tak ingat dah. Hehe. Tadi pergi main bowling lagi, sempena Hari Sukan KSS company aku. Kat Midvalley gak. Sepatut start pukul 8.30am, tapi aku pun bangun lambat hari ni, siap2 semua, pukul 10am baru gerak, haha. Midvalley dekat je dengan rumah aku, so x kisah sangat. Sampai2 sana dah start dah game, nasib baru 1st game. Total 3 game.

Hehe, aku belasah je baling, x la hebat mana pun, boleh la. Kul 12pm camtu dah abis 3 game main. Tak tau lah team mana menang, tapi bukan team aku la kot, hahaha. Blasah. Janji main enjoy. Ni la 2nd game aku pergi selepas futsal haritu, ada game lain tapi x dpt pi/malas sebab kerja. Anyway, i'm enjoy with that game today, congratz to my team. DSL buleh! hehe.


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Smart Tunnel

Ohh, first of all, this is my 2nd day in The Client office, i got a temporary transfer to the client site for replacing Nik. He taking a holiday. This is the problem when the leader of team at client site taking a holiday, they (read:management) will suka suki ask a guy from HQ to replace and the victim is me, dem! Ahh, no time to think about this. Anyhow, tomorrow is the last day.

Well, as you all know about SMART tunnel has opened for public 3 days a go, and i got chance to try it at the 2nd day since it opened. Well, it was a good project i think IF they do it properly. Tunnel tu tujuan utama ialah untuk elak banjir, boleh salurkan air dalam tunnel dan untuk elak traffic jem yg teruk, tapi sebenarnya, ia buat lagi jem teruk ada sebab pintu masuk dan keluar tunnel bottleneck, 2 lane --> 1 lane.

Maybe lepas ni ada tol, tak jem sangat sebab orang akan berbaris bayar tol dulu, tapi ntah la, macam mengarut pulak. Hehehe, hopefully, kalau ada tol pun lepas ni, jangan la cas tinggi sangat, kalau dia cas tinggi, lagi rugi ada la.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Arghh! Aku sungguh tensen hari ni. Haram jadah! Kenapa la aku? Kenapa? Kenapa? "#$@#$$%@W@#$$$$$@##!!!!!!!!, grrr!"

p/s: Semoga ada hikmah disebaliknya. Think positive! Think positive! People can do it, so do I! AAhhh! Persetankan semua itu! WTF!


Hehe, geram memang geram, tapi saja ja kasi gempak satu dunia!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Teaching FW

On 28/05 - 31/05, i have to teach a training about firewall and vpn for my client in a banking sector. The firewall is using packet filter (PF) in OpenBSD operating system. The venue is in the client office. At first, i thought it will held just in my training room in my office building, but need to go to their site. Duh! However, i still accept the job. No turning back.

The truth is, i a little bit nervous about this training, but hell, i need to do a job outside my comfort zone. I need to challenge myself again. I have done a teach since last 2 years, why i still can't do it? Let's put all the negative things go away.

Well, i need to study more with my slide. PF is not new for me but i'm not really into it. After i read and study about the rules, well, it interest me lot compare to iptables. Haha. Yes, people always said that PF is easier than iptables, only now, i take a look for it how easier it is. Well, it's totally true. Anyway, it's a good way for me to get a new knowledge with this training. If i don't accept the job, maybe i will never want to understand/study about PF ever.

Thanks to the people who ask me to do the teaching.

p/s: Hopefully, i can exchange from Kopitiam to this training, can i bos?


Saturday, May 12, 2007


A very good reading for beginner in using an OpenBSD operating system and PF firewall.

p/s: Still not too late to learn.


Friday, May 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Dad!

Hari ni, 11/05/2007, Umur Abah meningkat lagi kepada 61 tahun. Syukur Alhamdulillah. Selamat Hari Lahir bah, semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki dan bahagia sentiasa. Saya akan doakan Abah agar sihat sentiasa dan sejahtera dunia akhirat, amin.

I love you Dad!


Perodua VIVA

Aku ada plan nak beli 2nd car untuk tunang aku (my wife soon). Maybe at year end. So sekarang, dah ada choice baru. Tunang aku minat Hyundai Getz, aku pun suka design Getz ni tapi aku tak suka Hyundai (Korean car maker). So, semalam Perodua dah lancarkan kereta terbarunya iaitu Kancil/Kelisa replacement yang diberi nama Perodua Viva.

Petang tadi, aku pergi usha2 kat Perodua Seri Petaling dengan tunang aku. Kereta yang praktikal untuk dijadikan 2nd car. Mula2 aku ingat macam sux, tapi bila tengok betul2, boleh tahan gak. Tunang aku respond cam ok je. Hehehe, aku target nak beli hujung tahun ni la kalau ada rezeki lebih, insyaAllah. Premium model dalam Rm43k+, 1.0cc DOHC, DVVT, EFI, 90degrees doors, airbag, ABS, sport rim dan lain2 lagi, memang menarik hati aku. Hehe, bak tagline dia, find love.

Yeah! mesti kumpul duit untuk downpayment, hoho.

Untuk details pasal VIVA, klik sini.

Pictures credit from

p/s: Pagi tadi test drive Avanza 1.5cc Along yang dia baru beli, handling superb la. Paling best power stereng dia. Ingatkan macam payah nak drive. Huhu. Nice!
