Saturday, August 04, 2007

Hezli's Baby

Congratulation too to my good friend, Hezli for his new born baby girl last week (27/07/2007:4.50pm)with weight of 3kg. Hari ni, lepas pergi kenduri Pejai dan Hainey, aku dan wifey cargas pi rumah mak mertua Hezli to visit his new baby. Nama dah ada, tapi tak register lagi katanya, Hana Safiya. She is such a cute baby and got a very nice name. Hehe.

Well bro, congratulation again, you need to learn to be a good daddy right now, not just playing with your games, but need to feed your daughter too, not only with milk and food but with ilmu, iman and takwa. Welcome to a new life that make you not enough of sleep bro, hehe.

p/s: I wish i wanna joining your club too bro, soon! InsyaAllah, if Allah give me rezeki.
