Saturday, December 15, 2012

My Own Business!

I always interested in doing an online business. Tapi aku masih tercari2 apekemende la yang boleh dijual kat internet ni yang unik orang lain x pernah jual atau market yang kurang persaingan dan tiada modal atau sedikit je (haha nak senang je). Any idea?

Lucky me Big Bad Wolf kali ni takde buku pasal IT langsung. Yang banyak ialah buku marketing, business etc. So, borongan ialah menjurus kepada buku businesslah. Total damage RM100+- je, tak banyak sangat borong sebab budget limited tapi rasa rugi plak kalau x beli since buku2 tu sangat la murahkan. Baca tu bab lain, yang penting beli dulu, wahaha.

Hopefully i found what i'm looking for in the business life la. Anyway, Bluesify is already considered as my business as well sebab aku antara founding engineer, tapi still aku nak business yang aku betul2 own gak la. Hehe.

Amacam title post kali ni? Hehehehe




Lama juga tak update blog ni. bukan x de masa, tapi maybe ada kemalasan skit. Memang banyak perkara aku nak cerita. Lebih kepada luahan perasaan la, tapi tak terluah. Ada kalanya biarlah aku pendam sendiri. Kerjaya aku sekarang sangat bagus. Walaupun aku sertai start ups yang buat masa ni masih kecil, tapi aku lihat potensi masa depan boleh menjadi cerah. Dengan keupayaan boss dan directors, memang aku ada keyakinan melihat perkembangan kampeni ni. Kami bermula masih baru tapi berupaya lock down beberapa opportunities yang ada dalam various industries berbekalkan skill set dan experience kami terdahulu. Terus terang aku sangat happy dengan kerjaya sekarang kerana adanya kebebasan dan peluang untuk melakukan apa yang aku minat. Kewangan juga tiada masalah sehingga kini, itu yang sangat penting sebagai seorang suami dan ayah yang menanggung 3 orang anak2 yang masih kecil.

Walaupun tiada masalah dari segi pendapatan tetap, namun aku masih memerlukan pendapatan tambahan la untuk meneruskan kehidupan ni. Tambah2 lagi dengan terdapatan bebanan hutang yang ada, salah aku jugak la, hahaha padan muka. Aku rasa idea letak ads affiliates ni insyaAllah mungkin boleh bantu serba sedikit la. Kadang2 sampai terfikir nak cari duit cara jahat, tapi nauzubillah la, macam desperate sangat la plak kan? Aku ada beberapa idea yang mungkin boleh diketengahkan untuk memohon grant dari beberapa agensi kewangan, tapi nak tulis proposal kertas kerja tu yang x jalan2 haha. InsyaAllah satu hari nanti pasti menjadi jugak idea aku ni.

Anyway, tu je la kot. Ada tak orang singggah blog ni pastu klik affiliate ads aku kat tepi tu ek? I wonder. Jika ada, terima kasih banyak2. Hanya tuhan yang mampu balas jasa baik anda.


Sunday, November 11, 2012

GPS Coordinate

Integrating Splunk with Googlemap to track moving vehicle that supply a GPS coordinates data? No problemo! Seriously, Splunk is for big data. I did not focusing into Infosec industry only but also focus on other industries and yeah, this is what i want! This is what i dream for!


Monday, October 22, 2012

New Family Member!

Cahaya syurga ku. Alhamdulillah, wifey selamat melahirkan baby girl kami, iaitu anak kami yang ke 3 di UKMSC pada 22/10/2012 jam 2.49am berat 2.85kg :D.

We are all excited. Welcome our new family member, Siti Nur Adnie bt Akram. Semoga menjadi anak yang solehah, bijak, baik, sihat, diberkati tuhan, disayangi tuhan, amin.


Monday, October 15, 2012

New Masterpiece

Working life was treating me great so far. I have done some of interesting use cases just by using a single tool that able to solve many problems. Here is the latest masterpiece created by me. Basically this use case is to monitor SLA of service availability for server hosts or any devices that required a 99.9% availability. I can't and i won't disclose the code here (sorry for that!), but here is the screenshot. It is not 100% complete yet. Probably it will help you with some ideas. Enjoy!

oh, and happy Splunking :P

Friday, August 31, 2012

Happy 55th Merdeka Day, Malaysia!

Happy 55th Merdeka Day, Malaysia! Syukur and I'm proud to be Malaysian! :)

Friday, August 24, 2012

R3 18" Sport rim

Nice huh? Can fit into my CFE Bold, same PCD. Weight is about 9.53kg (a bit heavy). Only if i got so much money right now, haha. Need to reserved the money for October.

Papa's Day Care

Hari ni mama dah start kerja. Still week of Raya la, dedikasi sungguh kerja sehari je on Friday nih. So disebabkan nursery budak2 ni tak bukak lagi, masih beraya, makanya aku la kena jaga, hehe. This is not the first time la actually, i have no problem pun, cumanya tengahari tadi kena hantar kat rumah mak kejap (MIL) untuk solat jumaat. Nasib baik in the same row je rumah. Habis jumaat, pergi ambik balik. So diorg tido je la, hehe.

Me? I just working remotely from home. Got a few training slide need to be done, need to test the integration of Splunk and Google Maps using our own data feed. Next week baru start hectic balik setelah hibernate bulan Ramadhan lepas. Looking forward for the next challenges. 


Eid Ul-Fitr 1433H


Still in Raya mood. So Selamat Hari Raya Eid Ul- Fitr 1433H, Maaf Zahir dan Batin. Enjoy our Raya celebration piccas. :D

//model baju raya kanak kanak


//whole family + pak uda's family

//model comot :)

//our family + pak ngah's family + uwan lang's family @ uwan lang's house

//mama and the boys


//peace lagi! :p

//peace lagi sekali!

//dan lagi peace!

//my precious!

//follow the lead

//copycat! hehe

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Thursday, July 26, 2012

I'm A Data Scientist

I like my job now. I have freedom to do and focus on what i interest of. I have freedom to work anywhere, anytime. Sometimes it get tired but at least, i'm satisfied with it. Thanks to my boss who invited me to be part of the team, exclusively. I declaring my self as a Splunk-Fu: Data Scientist (Splunk SME, Architect and Analyze). Below are some of the masterpieces created by me, enjoy.

custom squid dashboard
 custom build of social monitoring apps

 custom ironport dashboard

  more custom ironport dashboard

We read logs and we do custom view for it. Make the raw logs to be a business intelligent data.

Interested to know more? contact: sales[at]


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Ramadhan Kareem

Ahlan Wasahlan Ramadhan Kareem. Selamat menyambut ramadhan dan menunaikan ibadah puasa kepada semua reader (if any la).


Saturday, July 07, 2012

Pengisian Rohani

I've heard about this Seminar from my mom who really want to attend but unable to do it due to she receive an invitation to give a talk. So, she ask me to register and attend. However they provide a webinar for this seminar and they will distribute the recorded seminar with the presentation slide to those who registered. It is a good seminar by the way. Attending the webinar now.

Pengisian rohani untuk transformasi. Seminar Transformasi Ramadhan 2.0.

Friday, July 06, 2012

Digging the FB4SPLK Apps

I found that Splunk is really interesting since they allow user to do custom apps by their own and name the apps like what ever the user want. My project now is to identify how Facebook for Splunk Apps work. Of course they use Facebook API to connect with FB. The data is quite interesting but a bit messy. So my task is to figures how the apps read FB Username and Status fields so that i can create my own custom dashboard/Apps.

Let's the challenge begin. But for the start, let's study the Apps's XML and HTML code first :P

Thursday, July 05, 2012

New Life. New Challanges.

Yo! Most of my friends already knew that i have move from my previous company which is a UK based insurance company. Even this is like a gamble decision but i still did it. It's a risky business but i believe we can make it. Some of them give me support and some of them question me why. As long as I've being paid every month to cover my expenses and able to feed my family, i have no problem with the job.

It's been a long time that i wish i have my own company, or running a small company with friends that trusted and able to bring business in and the most important is, i have passion in it. I like security, i love SIEM. I believe Splunk can do both and even more. So yes, i'm carry Splunk as a product and services in my new company which is founded by my friend (which is my ex-boss as well) and me. I believe this is the right time, right place to start a new business which tapping a gov and private sector. Big data!

Now i can managed my own time, my own life, at least make a decision how it should be running. Well, wish me luck. If you are a potential customer that looking for a big data solution or security or application management or log monitoring or what ever areas in various industries (mssp, insurance, banking, telco, oil and gas, gov, private etc), do let me know. I'm willing to help from A-Z, provide solutions, provide a design plan, provide the baseline for you. Splunk is not just a product, it's more beyond that.

Enough for marketing, seriously wish me luck.


Monday, May 28, 2012

Home Networking & PC Setup

This is my home networking setup. Memang bersepah cable, tapi aku dah dapat solve sikit masalah sebelum ni. Pakai homeplug jek, sebabnye unifi router ada kat hall kecik, the reason aku suruh TM letak situ sebab wifi router nanti dapat coverage luas sikit compare dalam bilik. So, dari unifi router nak tarik network masuk bilik untuk iptv unifi. Tv 14" dalam bilik. Boleh la tgk tv jugak kalau astro dah kene conquer kat bawah. Cuma cable extension je kene tarik dari luar sebab tu je yg paling dekat dan x sepah sangat nanti.

//proposed home network
//unifi router, unifi modem, homeplug, iron (eh?!?)

Ini pulak desktop for kids. Pc shuttle yg aku beli used from Hezli lama dulu. Actually before this pc ni aku connect ke TV plasma kat hall konon2 nak buat entertainment media la. Tapi disebabkan harddisk 500gb tu cepat je penuhnye dengan blueray movies dan jarang2 je aku switch on kat TV tu, ye la dah ada astro b.yond, memang malas la nak bukak pc, dari berabuk, aku reformat balik dari fedore 15 kepada win7 enterprise 64bit untuk anak aku main. So far yang dia bukak ialah youtube, google images dan freeonlinegame ( Aku gigih beli LCD monitor LG dan keyboard/mouse set baru untuk pc ni. Oh meja komputer juga kat Giant seri kembangan, hehe. So my kids (especially Adam la) dah ada pc dia sendiri, tak kacau laptop aku dah. Location: kids room.
//workstation for kids :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

I'm Back!

Salam and Hi! I'm back! The blog is back. With a new name, new title, new layout design, new post but old crap. This is my life journey. My career journey. My own interest. My personal thoughts. Enjoy the crap and nonsense post. I will not responsible for any brain damaged if you read or use any of articles in this blog. It's all on your own. Good luck.
//my small cube :)