Sunday, October 07, 2007

Tagged on Books

I got tagged! What! Again? haha. Kimi just tagged me about a list of books that i like to read. Well, Kimi, are you sure you want to tag me with this topic? Haha. I got a bunch of books at home but, hmm, i'm kind of read books depend on my mood, anyway, it's true that i like to read books. Well, i'll try my best to list some of books that i currently read, of course it will not reach until 30, haha and i don't exactly remember the correct title of those books.

1. Just For Fun: Linus Torvalds Biography
2. Time Management for System Administrators
3. Pregnancy week by week (i'll bought it for me and my wife to read it, hehe)
4. Magazine? Car magz, Personal Money, Digital Camera, etc.

Aiseh, tak ingat dah buku ape lagi aku baca, haha, tak cecah pun 10, haha, pity me, haha. Buku yang sekarang ni pun berchinta gak nak habiskan baca. Kui. So i think, i'm not the suitable guy for you to tag, Kimi. Hehe, sorry mate!
