Sunday, August 31, 2008

Canon IXUS 860IS

Since my wife keep on asking me to buy her a digital camera for her own use rather than using my old DSLR D70, today i have bought her the camera, Canon DIGITAL IXUS 860IS black rim. The price with package was RM1399, we got 1 original camera case, 1 extra battery, 4GB memory card and a screen protector. The price for this IXUS, based on their website was RM1299. I think it is worth to buy if you really want a digital camera. I hope my wife happy for this present even though this is not a Red Sony Cybershot T Series. This would be her belated birthday gift, it could be her future birthday gift too! :P.

Click here for the specs of this IXUS and here for the features. Check out here for the Canon IXUS website for others IXUS available in Asia.

I hope after this i can buy new DSLR or PS3 or anything i want without questions from my wifey :P


Saturday, August 30, 2008

Ramadhan Kareem

Alhamdulillah, Ramadhan tiba lagi. Kali ini aku akan menyambut Ramadhan bertiga. Juga berpuasa di rumah baru. Semoga Ramadhan kali ini akan memberi rahmat dan dimurahkan rezeki kepada semua, insyaAllah.

Selamat Hari Merdeka ke 51 & Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa.

Akram, Murni & Adam.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Congratulation to my sister, Angah for her convocation at PWTC, KL. She has been taken the degree courses since 2003 at Open University Malaysia. Yesterday was her convocation after 5 years being a part time student. Huhu, finally!

I hope i also manage to finish my degree soon, insyaAllah next year perhaps. This coming semester, is the last 3 subjects that i need to take, next semester will be only 2 final projects and if i manage to finish the projects, i also can become a degree holder too! InsyaAllah. Do pray for my success, thank you!



Yes, finally, this is the post that related to my Hijrah. Alhamdulillah, we are now in the stage of 95% of moving process. We have bring in all the stuff including our furniture using rented lorry weight of 5 tan and it cost us almost RM500, didn't recall the correct amount. Still left a few stuff such as begs and cloths, oh, also the baby cot. Need to find a free time to clear all the stuff and clean a bit the apartments. So guys, if you want to rent an apartments at Bukit Jalil, can call me for an appointment. The cost of rental is RM800/month. The deposit is 2+1+utility which is RM300 = RM2700.

I also will be Hijrah, not just moving from apartments to a house, but maybe including my career life soon. So, stay tune to find more about my Hijrah, ok?


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Project : Grinding Marble

A guy cleaning the marble before grinding machine take place.

The grinding machine out side the house.

The marble grinder man.

Recommended company, nice work man ship. Not really sure about the price either too expensive or cheap but i think it is ok compared to their hard work. Can call Mary at +60163330266 for appointment. I didn't remember the company name and i've lost the receipt already.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Training Session 2

Yahoo! My second session of Linux Security Training has finished! It was a very good session since the audience were more active to ask a question compared to the last session. Hahaha, i like it much, either i can share my knowledge or i'm learning it too with others. If theres other training within this topic, maybe i need to revise back the modules since some of it lack of explanation and maybe i can add more info into the modules.

So, the rewards that i get from this training was, enhanced my knowledge and money for this coming Hari Raya hahaha. I like! Ok, nak pi renew roadtax untuk V6, adeh!


Thursday, August 07, 2008

Training Session 1

First of all, yes, my baby has been discharged last sunday, and after that my wife take 2 days off for taking care baby at home. Now, Adam has been sent to nursery since yesterday because of my wife already start going to work and me too because i have training to handle. My baby seem to recover but his cough is still there, hope his cough will gone away soon.

Yes, the training for Linux Security Administrator was finished today for government agency. It was a 20pax audiences and their level of knowledge was quite good, not that beginner and not too expert. Maybe one step into intermediate. I was quite happy with this audiences since their response are good but the sad thing was, i got sore throat. Never mind. This is first session and i have another same training session 2 next week. Hopefully i can manage it.

Need to revise and add other info into the module for next week training.


Friday, August 01, 2008


I'm currently blogged from outpatient ward at SJMC (Subang Jaya Medical Center) via their free wifi. I've been here since this morning because of my baby Adam Rifqie was admitted into ward suggested by the pediatric specialist doctor Dr. Sofiah. Adam's fever was not seem to be cure, last night his fever going up reach to 39 degrees and yes, it worried me and my wife as their parent and we love him so much. Hope my baby will recover asap so then we will not being worried every minutes.

adam wif his mama, taking a nebulizer, hmm same like me when i was a kid.

adam wif his new mask. "look papa, i'm darth vader! kepishh! keposhh!".


I will take an emergency leave from tomorrow until sunday since i will be working morning shift. Not sure when Adam will discharge, maybe tomorrow or the next day. However i will come to the office maybe tomorrow to check the training folder modules already there with a good condition or not and i need to make a 40 copies of the modules for training next week and another week. Huh, what a hectic days soon, well, for the RM1600 free just to share my knowledge with others, i think i'm ok with it.
