Wednesday, October 31, 2007


It's already 4 days i've been working at the client side office here. Last 3 days was a tired days, i've been so sleepy because i don't have any things to do. But today, i got a task to do which is updating a reports slide presentation for client directors. Hmm, fyi, this jobs is not our responsibility to do it, it's their jobs actually, but i don't know why i'm still doing it. I'm just continuing what our previous staff have done before. Anyway, since i still can handle it, it's not a really big problems. Or maybe it's just the beginning until i'll explode because of the pressure from those stupid clients. Haha!

Haha, the most stupidest and laziest client i ever met. Seriously! Haha, 3 races, all 3 are stupid! Duh! I wonder what are they thinking for doing their jobs. They don't want to follow what their boss just said, they think they are the most knowledgeable and correct person in this world, bull shit! stupid. Hahahaha. It's so funny to watch their stupidity. However, i'm still not stress yet, hopefully i'm not. I'm still in control. Haha. Let's follow what are the games they playing on, kui! No, our client are too good for us and they are clever too.

Enough about works. Life here at Jeddah, so far i can mix with their culture and their foods. Foods are not much variety compare to Malaysia, but still i can swallow it. Need to recall back basic arabic words. Yes, i'm learning arabic in my secondary school, but, i'm failed it, haha! Still and still missing my wifey. Will call her again later.

53 days and counting ...


Since i want to be a good husband, i edited a bit my post as requested by my wife, hehehe
ayg: Since i love my husband so much, i edited a bit of his post, hehehe

Friday, October 26, 2007

Touch Down!

Alhamdulillah, syukur. Finally, i've arrive at Jeddah safely, touch down around 7pm local time and the immigration process went smooth without any problems, Alhamdulillah. Zain already waited for us at International Airport to pickup us and went straightly to the apartment. Now,the local time is 21:56(25/10) and Malaysia time is +5 hours which is around 02:56(26/10). I'm now accessing the internet using a home's wifi and the coverage is only 2 bar, well, enough for me to check email, browsing and chatting. Well, we'll see what will happen here about my jobs. I hope i can do all task that given to me soon, insyaAllah. That's all the updates for now.

ps: urghh, i'm so miss my wife! hehe.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Jeddah, KSA

A next few hours, i will be flying thousand miles from my lovely country to the middle east, to be specific, Jeddah KSA. I will be leaving my lovely wife alone, ermm, she will staying with her mother la. Well, i will miss her so much! I hope she will miss me so much too, hehe. Of course she will hehe. A new experience i will face, a new people, a new place, a new environment, new responsibility hmmm, maybe it will be a lil' bit challange. Well, hopefully everything will be fine. If got rezeki i will perform an Umrah or maybe Haj, insyaAllah, amin. May Allah will guide me and give me an easy way/path, amin.

To my lovely wife, Sayang, I love you so much and i will miss you sayang, just wait for me, it's just only 2 months, insyaAllah, i'll be back!

Departure : 15:15 (KUL) 25 Oct 2007.



Lama tak update. Raya? Hehe, ya, raya sakan! Hampir satu Malaysia gak la round, dari selatan ke utara. Haha. Mana taknye, raya 1, KL, petang raya 1, balik kampung kat Bukit Tempurung, Negeri Sembilan. Raya ke 2, balik kampung Tampuk Laut, Benut, Johor. Raya ke 3 balik Seremban. Raya ke 4, pi Ipoh, Raya ke 5, Pi Kuala Kangsar, raya 6, round Ipoh, hoho, raya ke 7, balik KL balik, pastu round raya KL pulak, ye la kan, dulu aku sorang ikut family aku je, skang aku dah berdua, so ada 2 family aku nak kene raya. Hehe.

Baju J!NX dah dapat, hehe, puas hati2. Thanks Bro (Hezli) pasai baju ni. Kalau nak harap aku beli sendiri, tak terbeli2 de, haha. Tu je kot. Lama dah aku cuti ni, hahahaha, puas hati aku!


Thursday, October 11, 2007

Aid Mubarak

To all my muslim friends all over the world,


Tuesday, October 09, 2007

27 Ramadhan 1428

Hari ni dah masuk 27 Ramadhan, bermakna, tinggal lagi 4 hari lagi kita akan menyambut 1 Syawal. Sungguh cepat masa berlalu. Aku terasa cepatnya Ramadhan ini berlalu. Ibadah pun tunggang terbalik.

Ya Allah, masih banyakkah waktu untuk aku?


Sunday, October 07, 2007

Tagged on Books

I got tagged! What! Again? haha. Kimi just tagged me about a list of books that i like to read. Well, Kimi, are you sure you want to tag me with this topic? Haha. I got a bunch of books at home but, hmm, i'm kind of read books depend on my mood, anyway, it's true that i like to read books. Well, i'll try my best to list some of books that i currently read, of course it will not reach until 30, haha and i don't exactly remember the correct title of those books.

1. Just For Fun: Linus Torvalds Biography
2. Time Management for System Administrators
3. Pregnancy week by week (i'll bought it for me and my wife to read it, hehe)
4. Magazine? Car magz, Personal Money, Digital Camera, etc.

Aiseh, tak ingat dah buku ape lagi aku baca, haha, tak cecah pun 10, haha, pity me, haha. Buku yang sekarang ni pun berchinta gak nak habiskan baca. Kui. So i think, i'm not the suitable guy for you to tag, Kimi. Hehe, sorry mate!
