Well, today is the exam day. I already receive the result from RedHat. As i guess before, i'll endup with only RHCT, not RHCE because of a silly mistake and it's really just a few more marks to pass RHCE. Anyway, Alhamdulillah for that RHCT, it's not too bad for receiving only RHCT rather then receiving nothing. If i got chance, money and time, i think i wanna re-do the examination again to receiving RHCE. Next course will be on RHEL 5 and it got a lot of changes from RHEL 4. Hopefully, i can manage to get it, soon?
Verify My RHCT Certificate.
Congratulations -- you have passed the RHCT portion of the RHCE exam,
and thus have earned the designation Red Hat Certified Technician.
Your RHCT Certificate number is 604007389713517.
RHCE requirements: completion of compulsory items (50 points)
overall section score of 80 or higher
RHCT requirements: completion of compulsory items (50 points)
Compulsory Section I score: 50.0
Non-compulsory Section I score: 20.0
Overall Section I score: 70
RHCE requirements: score of 70 or higher on RHCT components (100 points)
score of 70 or higher on RHCE components (100 points)
RHCT requirement: score of 70 or higher on RHCT components (100 points)
RHCT components score: 81.8%
RHCE components score: 67.9%
RHCT Certification: PASS
RHCE Certification: NO PASS
p/s: Demm! sikit je lagi nak dapat RHCE! Arghh!
:( & :)