Friday, September 30, 2005

Finally, i bought my own domain via Papit.The hosting is sponsored by Papit. Thanks Papit. The domain name is But why i choose this domain name? It because it was related to my job and also to mylife (erm, maybe?).

So, you can logon to to surf my website/portal/whatever you want to call it! I will trying to update my site with an articles/etc etc. However, blog is still priority for me to keep updated! :P

You can still accessing my blog using :


or just use an alternative url


arghh! Ahad ni ada kelas tutorial 3 la pulak, nak mintak hantar assignment melalui email je lah nanti. Nak kene study system manual la plak untuk kerja kat Indon nanti, adeh! :(

Jakarta v1.0

Pada awalnya aku rasa gembira dapat pergi Indonesia. Tak lama lepas tu. Aku rasa sangat takut gak la. Macam-macam benda yang aku takut. Pasal negara tu sendiri, pasal Bird Flu, pasal kerja yang aku kene buat kat sana, pasal tanggungjawab aku nanti, pasal rakyat dia, pasal macam2 lagi la. Cuak lak dalam hati aku ni. Takpelah, redha je lah.

weh! rileks la beb! tu pun nak cuak ke? cool! tarik nafas! lepas! :P

Tetiba aku rasa rindu sangat kat awek aku. Rindu sangat kat family aku. Rindu kat Mak ngan Abah. Aku bukan homesick, tapi aku rasa macam rindu. Puasa kat negara orang tanpa ada family dan orang tersayang. Korang tak rasa sedih ke? Raya tu aku tak baper nak kisah sangat (lagipun insyaAllah aku memang beraya kat Malaysia), tapi time puasa kat sana tu yang sedih. Tetiba aku teringat arwah Uwan.

Ramadhan kali ni, aku berpuasa kat negara orang tanpa ada orang tersayang dan tanpa Uwan. Sedih la plak, control2! hehe. Well, kalau la ada family aku yang baca blog ni, aku nak diorang tau, bahawa aku memang sayang sangat kat diorang semua. Dan aku tau awek aku memang baca blog aku ni, dan aku memang sayang sangat kat awek aku. Sangat2! Stok bini la kata orang tu kan, haha.

Flight aku isnin ni, pagi, bertolak dari Seremban kot lepas Subuh. Naik MAS. Sampai sana maybe Najib ambik, kalau dia tak ambik aku, camne la agaknya nanti. Harap2 dia datang amik. Kerja kat sana aku tatau lagi ape yang aku kene buat. Sama ada kene setup atau just kene monitor je? Tunggu je lah. Nak pi sana pun, memacam tips aku dapat. Pasal tukaran matawang, pasal jaga kesihatan, pasal pengangkutan, bla bla bla. Thanks for the information (Wyn, Najib, Abond etc).

This is my first time travelling to Indonesia alone (sebelum ni, travel sorang2 paling jauh pun singapore :P). Cuak dan gembira ada dalam hati ni, tapi banyak cuak dari gembira je aku rasa. Dem! Ahhh! Persetankan semua tu! Kita tunggu dan lihat nanti. So, maybe kalau ada masa/peluang nanti, aku akan blog dari seberang. InsyaAllah.

Kalau ada orang boleh buat, takkan aku tak leh buat?


Dua Dunia Mp3

Atas permintaan ramai mengenai lagu Too Phat & Siti Nurhaliza, i create a link for you to download the MP3 file. This is the version of AE2005. You can download it here! Enjoy the song!


HITB & Jakarta

HITBSecConf2005 was running great. I had attended the 1st day conference and join 3 talks. 1. Future of IE7 2. Sniffing VOIP and 3. Web Hacking. All speaker was great! I got a new knowledges there. I also buy a tshirt. It was very phun! But the sad thing is, i can`t attend the last day of conference, because i go to Putrajaya to renew my passport. Why i need to renew my passport? Read the good news below.

The good news is (i think it was a good news for now), i got a call from Indonesia. Ramzani (Abond) call to inform me that i must go to Jakarta this Monday! erk! What can i say! I still wondering and confusing, why they choose me to go to Jakarta? If they want me to setup the system there, i`m not familiar with that system, if they just want me to monitor the system, that i can do. Why they don`t choose Halizain (the person who involve directly with Najib to play with the system before this)? hmm.

I hope that i can do all the job that they will give to me there. So i can make my self, my company, my country proud! I hope! I don`t want to be a useless person in this company or world. Anyway, that what i call rezeki from Allah. Alhamdulillah, this is a good opportunities for me to go further in my career. ( and bla bla bla)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


What a nice video to watch.

Life of women engineers working at Google.

I have 2 point here to share :

1. What a great life working at google.
2. The new technology that make Google go to next step. A video streaming.

Well, i think you need a Master or Phd to work at Google or at least, an AA degree, huu! Look at this job. At Malaysia you just need at least a Cert or Diploma in IT to get this job but at Google, you still need an AA Degree. Dem!

Position of Server Room Technician

Ohh, one more thing! Happy 7th Birthday Google - 27/9/1998 - 27/9/2005 :)



Alhamdulillah, dapat gak baki elaun terdahulu, thanks to my bos, fighting for our rights! I really appreciate it! :) , finally, i can smile with a big smile. Well, this is just a small case. But it will effect many things and become a big case. Do you understand what i meant? Good!

I totally excited and can`t wait to go to HITBSecConf tomorrow, but why? because i already mention that, i am easily become over excited! Huhu!


Monday, September 26, 2005


Hurm, i`m so bored today, don`t know what to do. What the hell i`m thinking of? Dem! What should i do today? My day is always the same. Bored! Bored! and Bored!

Theres nothing interesting today except, i`m confirm get a ticket to go to HITBSecConf2005 on 28 and 29/9.

And i got a good news from my bos about our allowance. Alhamdulillah. I hope the news is true! Thank God! My efforts are working? I hope so.

Dua Dunia

Finally, i`ve found the mp3 and lyrics for this song, Too Phat feat. Siti Nurhaliza. I think this song is dedicated to Dian Sastro from Malique. Listen!

Dua Dunia - Too Phat feat. Siti Nurhaliza

CT :
Kau selalu di hati
tak ku dekati
dua dunia kita berbeza (2x)

Too Phat (CT) :
Cinta itu buta
dan juga boleh membutakan
melukakan dan sukar untuk kita lupakan

Aku cinta padamu

(Aku cinta padamu)
hanyalah ungkapan
luahan yang jarang bermakna bila diucapkan

Ini pula cerita cinta sang pujangga
bukan arjuna sita
bukan cinta dan rangga

Mungkinkah khayalan akal mainan minda
Atau lamaran puitis
dengan hasrat yang indah

Kau selalu di hati
(Kau selalu di hati)
tidak ku dekati
sentiasa ada mata jahat yang memerhati

Tapi ku tak runsing
tidak mungkin rindu
ku pusing lihat wajahmu di setiap penjuru

Senyuman di kaca
kisah mu ku baca
Perjuangan kita sama duka mu ku rasa
(Perjuangan kita sama duka mu ku rasa)

Aku pasrah saja pada yang Esa
Kerna ku tahu (Kerna ku tahu dua dunia)
Dua dunia kita berbeza

CT :
Kau selalu di hati
tak ku dekati
dua dunia kita berbeza (2x)

Too Phat (CT) :
Suka di kala malam termimipi-mimpi
Rindu di kala siang mencari-cari

Kasih sebenar tidak bertukar
tidak sebentar
walau dipisah lautan direnangi gelora

Dan kadangkala
hanyut bagaikan buah ara
malu sering bersua tapi jarang bersuara

Kenapa bercinta
jika kesudahannya pasrah
Kerana bila dilamun indahnya tidak terkata

Tersimpan hasrat
tiada siapa yang mengerti
Harapan menggunung sampai penghujung dinanti

Dipegangkan janji
tetap ratu di hati
Dengan izin tuhan kan bersama kapan hari pasti

Sabar menanti
Kesabaran diuji
Berdoa dalam sujud sejadah ditangisi

Aku pasrah saja pada yang Esa
Kerna ku tahu
Dua dunia kita berbeza

CT :
Kau selalu di hati
tak ku dekati
dua dunia kita berbeza (2x)

Too Phat & CT :
Perjuangan seni kita tidak berpenghujung
Jangan tinggal batu bernama tak berpengunjung

Too Phat (CT) :
Cabaran menikam
kau tidak pernah bermurung
Tetap tersenyum
walau kesedihan menyelubung

(walau kesedihan menyelubung)

Bukan rupa paras mu yang jadi ukuran
Atau suaramu yang jadi bahan tuturan
Ku bukan mahu hubungan tapi kejujuran
Hadiah sepatah dari mu satu kesyukuran
(sepatah dari mu satu kesyukuran)

Tapi bila bertentang mata
tidak terbentang kata
(Kata apa saja)
iya tapi tentang apa
(iya tapi tentang apa)

Wajah mu yang cantik
Manis lagi
Senyuman sepasti mentari timur tiap pagi

Realiti sukar diatasi
Tapi kesudahan indah harus bermula dengan fantasi
Ku rasa terhoyong-hayang
Antara dua dunia
(Antara dua dunia)
Biar khayalan ku melayang
(Biar khayalan ku melayang)

CT :
Kau selalu di hati
tak ku dekati
dua dunia kita berbeza (4x)

Sunday, September 25, 2005


Yesterday, i`m back to my home town at seremban. Sebab ada kelas ganti En. Azmi(OUM). Minggu lepas batal. So semalam, time aku on the way kat highway Seremban - KL. Depan perhentian rehat seremban, ada dalam 6-7 buah kereta eksiden. Perghh. Maybe sebab hujan, jalan licin, semua brek mengejut. Anyway, takde kot yang parah, sebab just langgar depan ngan belakang je.

Pagi tadi kelas, ok la, kelas En. Azmi ni best skit, tak boring. Lagi pun simple dia ajar. Masuk kelas pun terlambat sikit, sebab kelas tak jumpa. Haha, nasib baik jumpa gak. So, takde la ketinggalan sangat. Kejap je Bab 4 dan 5 habis. Buat kuiz pun senang je.

Tadi lepas kelas, aku saja-saja round dekat Seremban 2, saja nak tengok Jusco baru. Aku pun parking kereta, dan masuk dalam Jusco tu, banyak kedai tengah renovate lagi. Sekali aku terfikir, eh, betul ke Jusco ni dah open? haha, sekali, Akan Dibuka la, bukan Kini Dibuka. Haha, malu gak la :P. Anyway, bagus ada Jusco kat Seremban ni. Dah lama tak ada pasaraya besar kat Seremban ni, last dulu, Giant Senawang la. Starbucks Coffee pun ada, hehe, boleh la kalau nak lepak2 skali skala kat sana. :P

Okeh, kejap lagi nak kemas-kemas barang, nak balik KL balik, esok kerja! Oh ye, aku dah booking DVD citer Las Vegas Season 2 kat Najib, dia ada kat Indonesia sekarang, dia kata, DVD9 murah gila, dalam rm2, gila murah!, hehe, cantek!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Exam Result

Exam result Semester Mei 2005 OUM aku dah keluar, actually, dah lama dah keluar, cuma sebab aku ada outstanding lagi sikit yuran bulan Mei, tu kena tahan kejap result. So, ok la kot aku rasa result tu, hehe. Takde la malu sangat nak bagitau result.


Hehe, walaupun aku buat memain, assignment pun main stepler je, Alhamdulillah, dapat gak satu B+ dan satu lagi B-, actually, aku dah rugi markah kat situ, sebab aku tak contribute dalam forum (online learning). Hehe. Anyway, semester ni banyak sikit kerja nak kene buat, assignment pun macam sukar sikit sebab semua subject technical. So, heharap aku berjaya la pada semester ni.

Congratulation to me!



Yeehaa! Aku dapat masuk HITB (Hack in The Box) Conference dan dengar talk secara free! haha! Thanks to my company! Dah la time tu memang cuti, pastu gaji pun baru masuk! memang besh gila la! Untung tul rasanya, Alhamdulillah! hehe.

So, sesiapa yang pergi HITB tu pada 28/9 atau 29/9 nanti di The Westin Hotel, KL, jumpa anda di sana!

For more details about HITBSecConf2005, please logon to

Thursday, September 22, 2005

If you are linux addict or maybe open source addict or maybe want to buy and try an alternative OS for your pc, you can try linux or fbsd. If you found that it`s hard to download the ISO and burn or it`s hard to find the cd in computer store or you don`t have a lot of time to buy the cd manually, well, you can go to this e-commerce portal. It made by malaysian for the malaysian. You can buy this cd just using online and pay it using ebanking such as maybank2u. Actually, theres a lot of existing e-commerce portal that already been made and selling the same product, but, why not we try this one. Maybe the service is better. :)

It was so easy to use, save a lot of your time, save your energy, latest version of OS and etc. So, why not go to this banner :

and let`s shopping! :P

For more details, please logon to


Good Job! (maybe?)

Yeahha! I`ve finally finish up my teaching at INTAN, haha, good job akram!! well, anyway, i know and realize that i totally sux in teaching people, but, this is my first time, and no body perfect in this world. At least i`ve trying and of course, i`m learning from the mistake. This is a good start for me to involve in any talk session, make a new contact, meet new people, a good experience. :)

Congratulation to me! :P haha.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Mimos OSS Group

Hey ya! people out there who have interest in Open Source Development, there something for you, a workshop for OSS development will be held at Mimos, on 29 September 2005, who have interest about this can go to Mimos Website or click here for more details. I don`t know if i want to go there or not. :P. If i go there, so see you there :P.

Erm, maybe i`m not go to there because, the date is conflict with HITB CTF :)

Oh yeah, tommorrow is the last day i have to teach at INTAN, so no more slide, yes to hands on/ demo. hehe. I have a work to do for tommorrow, daa!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Huh, finally, i finish up my slide "Securing MySQL" for me to present this morning. Hehe, i also include tools such as php, apache, mysql phpmyadmin source for them to test in their Linux server. So, am i ready or not? we`ll see after this! Wish me luck! :P

My ISO downloading for Slackware 10.2 is only 8% left! yay! Seronoknya saya!

Monday, September 19, 2005

First Time

Today is the first time in my life that i`m teaching peoples from goverment sector! huhuh. I`m teach them at INTAN.

Actually, i totally not in ready mode but, i dengan yakin gamble teach them how to secure your linux server in the simple and basic way, hah! hehe. Actually, what i told them are the basic thing u must do. Such as, long and dificult password, patch, update, firewall, SSL, SSH bla bla. Hehe.

Well, all participant is showing a good respond when i give my speech. I also saw, one or two guys were sleepy, haha. Maybe i talk too much and they get bored! haha. Now i know how the feeling when you give a talk in front of the class and the participant were sleeping. Haha.

The participant are from goverment sector. Their job are such as PSM and PPSM. But, they don`t have lot of knowledge in security area. Well, maybe i can share with them what knowledge in security do i have in my head. :)

Tomorrow is the second day, and i still have to give a talk but the topic is about MySQL Security : How to secure it. Well, yesterday, i do some information gathering about how to secure the MySQL database server in linux. I found quite lot of info and i write it in my slide. Tomorrow is a challage to me! hehe, Gambatte! I will try my best! :P (poyo gila ayat)

Slackware 10.2

Tue Sep 13 12:24:53 PDT 2005
Slackware 10.2 is released.

yey! it`s been a long time i`m waiting for this! Finally, Slackware 10.2 is now released! hehe, cool beb! you can download the iso from this mirror.

For special announcing (Announcing Slackware Linux 10.2!):

The second Slackware release of 2005, Slackware Linux 10.2 continues
the long Slackware tradition of simplicity, stability, and security.

read more ....

For changelog, you can read it here.

Read it more at Slackware RULEZZ! :P

Saturday, September 17, 2005

AE 2005

Well, ni aku nak komen sikit mengenai Anugerah Era 2005 (AE05), pengacara Aznil dan Linda, Aznil memang best, Linda pun boleh la. Yang tak beshnye, macam hambar je, dengan mic rosak la (kesian Nash), silap umum nama la, macam hampeh! Haha.

Aku suka time Mawi nyanyi, time Felix jadi presenter ngan bekas2 AF2 & AF3 tu, time Mawi dapat Undian SMS terbanyak dan time last skali time Too Phat feat. Siti Nurhaliza, tu memang happening gak la, haha dan yang paling besh skali, time Malique dah muncul semula! Finally! Memang lama dah aku tunggu Malique muncul semula, selama ni Joe Flizzow je sorang yang susah payah dengan Too Phat. Maybe Malique tu frust gila bila clash ngan Dian Sastro dulu kot. Anyway, yang aku tak suka skali ialah, penaja AE05 tu, Digi = SUXXX! haha! (sori la ek pengguna digi :P)

Dem!Esok kelas Struktur Data, ade kuiz lak tu, baca tak habis lagi bab 1,2,3 nih! adeh! study weh study!

MSSQL Security

About teaching MSSQL, i just have to teach only " how to secure MSSQL Server ", before this, i thought that i have to teach just about the installation, statement and bla bla. Well, i`m a bit feel lega, i don`t have to know everything in the MSSQL but only focus on how to secure the MSSQL server. It all about security.

However, i still need to do and test many things before i get to teach about this subject. It is because, i want to make sure that, i can do a good teaching. I don`t even touch MSSQL before, i just only know about MySQL (tu pun guna phpmyadmin :P). Arghh, this will give me a preasure! I hate this feeling! Dem!

Well, this was a good articles that i found while searching how to secure MSSQL server. I will use the fact into my presentation.

10 Steps to Help Secure SQL Server 2000

Friday, September 16, 2005


Google 1st webpage?

click here to see the webpage

Google 1st hardware?

click here to see the hardware


Yay! finally, my blog counter get to 3000 visitor, thanks to all who supporting me and of course for reading what i write in my blog, i know sometime i get emo, sometime i talk too much, sometime i talk nonsense! well, who cares, hehe. I hope you don`t mind, this is free country (and have batasan tertentu), i know the batas batas, hehe, don`t worry about that.

Thank you so much daw!


I got a call from Bro Zamri, he is one of my mother ex student from SMKA SHAMSNS. Now he working as a lecturer in Kolej TM near my office. He call me because he want me to do a teaching about MSSQL & MYSQL in INTAN for 4 days. Well, i`m not good in MSSQL or even SQL also, but i willing to take part for this project because i want to try something new in my life. Actually, my father and mother were teacher when they start their first job, so maybe i have their teaching skills in my blood too. I hope so. :P

I will take this challenge (should i call this a challenge?). Hehe, well, we will see how it will done. I hope i will not bagi ajaran sesat or something. Me and my friend will take the offer. So now, i`m busy for searching a tutorials/how to/notes about MSSQL and its family. Luckily, this semester i`m studying a subject about database and SQL statement, it`s was the same statement, the diff. is the syntax. Wish me luck. Hehe.

Yay! I found an online book for MSSQL from microsoft web (well, i just found it here because, i never think to read about if before, hehe).

You can download the book from Microsoft SQL Website.

Yay! water also dah ada balik! Boleh mandi air panas dah! hehe.

Kenduri v2.0

Well, semalam kenduri 4 in 1 actually, may i list the objective of the kenduri is made :

Kenduri baca Yassin & Tahlil for

1. Arwah atuk & uwan
2. Maklang get her PHD (Pharmacology)
3. Faiz will study in Ireland
4. Kaklong Hasni & Husband Graduate from HUKM

Semuanya berjalan lancar, cuma pada pukul 11pm, dah tak berapa nak lancar sebab air kat kawasan rumah aku kene catu lagi, isk isk, Empangan Sg. Trip dah kering sangat dah. Sekarang ni aku duk fikir, macamana la nak mandi + sembahyang ni.

Ramai gak orang datang, sedara mara terdekat, jiran2 terdekat & orang surau. Paklong pun ada, datang dari kampung, Pakuda yang ambik. Lama gak tak jumpa Paklong, sebab aku lama dah tak balik kampung. Nanti ada cuti panjang, insyaAllah aku balik kampung, rindu juga nak balik, walaupun dah takde siapa kat sana kecuali Paklong sorang.

Tu je la kot, aku still lepak kat seremban because, hari ni aku off dan 18hb ni aku ada kelas OUM. Kalau aku balik KL pun, nanti kena balik seremban balik, so, stay terus la, training incident handling tu pun Ganesh kata dia boleh breifing kat aku sorang2 nanti. Thanks Ganesh.

Nak pi cari tutorial MSSQL sat.

Kenduri v1.0

Kenduri Mak Lang dah settle, so sumer sepupu sepapat aku dah keletihan nampaknya, sumer dah bergelimpangan, sat lagi aku pun nak landing, nanti lah aku update lagi citer pasal kenduri, ngantuk dah ni :)

Url Change

I know this will happen someday, my redirect domain that i use to redirect my blog has been expired. Dem! I`m sorry to all blogger who always read my blog and put my redirect url to your link, and now need to change it again. You can use this url to link my blog :

I`m so sorry, thank you for support my blog.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Aku sungguh pelik hari ni, tadi aku dah dapat slip gaji aku untuk bulan ogos, bila aku check balik (antara nilai dekat slip dan nilai 11% dari gaji basic), penolakan epf aku dah lebih dari biasa. Bila aku check dekat kwsp punya web melalui akaun aku, nilai wang yang masuk ke akaun epf aku pada bulan ogos still sama macam bulan bulan yang lepas, aku kira2 balik, ada short rm44, mana pergi rm44 tu ek? (ni dah termasuk tolak duit kelab sukan dan socso) pelik nih, ke epf yang company ni buat bukan 11%? aku pun tak faham sebenarnye pengiraan akaun company aku ni, ke cetakan slip ni yang silap? (actually, aku tak pasti pun berapa duit yang dah bankin dalam bank aku hujung bulan lepas). Kang aku complaint lagi kang, jadi blacklist la pulak nama aku. Hurmm, ntah la, biar je lah, kalau aku betul, aku halalkan je la duit tu. Aku taknak berkira sangat, taknak la orang mengata aku ni kuat bising, salah sikit je terus nak melenting, tapi benda2 macam ni kita kena sensitif, kena peka, kene alert. Benda ni hak kita. Kena jaga la. Kalau duit tu dia tolak atas sebab tertentu company, aku boleh terima kalau dia explain, ni masalahnya tak explain, tolak berdasarkan atas epf pulak tu. Explain la lain kali! Tak pun bagitau dalam payslip tu.

Walaubagaimanapun, aku still bersyukur sebab, aku masih ada kerja dan still dapat mencari rezeki yang halal. Ada ramai lagi orang yang tak dapat makan, takde tempat tinggal, macam dalam rancangan BersamaMu tu. Lagi satu, ade cerita yang agak mengembirakan aku juga la, bos aku email aku, Alhamdulillah. Ceritanya? ada la, hehe. Mana leh bagitau, abis sumer aku bagitau, hidup aku memang tak secure la macam ni.

OUM ni pun satu hal, yuran bulan MEI aku tertunggak rm80 je, tu pun nak sekat result aku keluar, ampeh! takpe, nanti aku bayar 2 kali ganda, tau la!

Konvo Murni

12hb haritu, aku pergi UITM, konvo awek aku. Pergi sama dengan mak dan kakak dia sekali, cuma aku je tak dapat masuk dewan kerana 2 orang saja yang boleh masuk dewan. Duduk la aku kat luar panas2 tu, tak kisah lah. :). Akhirnya pergi UITM aku drive iswara, sebab abah tinggalkan kat aku, dia pergi sarawak tu. Hehe. Takde la goncang sangat macam bawak kancil.

Pi sana pagi, sebab kena register sebelum 7.30am. Dalam pukul 11 baru la awek aku naik pentas amik anugerah, huh, lama gila tunggu. Panas je, dalam hati pun panas je. Hehe, tapi takpe lah, sekali ni je. Lepas Konvo, kitorang pergi Massalam, makan2 kat sana sebelum balik, memang letih sangat time tu, aku balik je terus tido, tak fikir ape dah. Hehe. Nanti kalau aku dah dapat gambar dari digicam awek aku, aku upload kat gallery ok.

Kepada ayang,

Tahniah atas kejayaan sayang, semoga selepas ni, makin banyak kejayaan & rezeki yang akan melimpah2. Abang sayang kat ayang dan akan sentiasa support ayang tak kira apa pun ayang buat (kalau buat benda tak betul, abg sound la, nak support buat ape) hehe.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Treasure Hunt

Hari ni sabtu, pagi tadi aku bangun gak pagi, hantar awek aku pi opis dia, actually dia bukan la untuk pergi kerja, tapi dia masuk treasure hunt, bernas tu. Semangat je pergi, padahal lusa dah konvo, hehe, takpe lah, dia slalu ngadu kat aku presure gila jadi programmer yang hehari kene push suh buat kerja dan gaji dapat kecik gila walaupun dia ada degree. Aku paham situasi dia tu, so aku pun kasi la dia pi enjoy tu, treasure hunt tu akan berakhir kat P.D. Ada satu soalan dia tanya aku masa treasure hunt tu, time tu dia kat area Putrajaya, "Eric Chia dan Kasita Gadam pernah berada di sini", haaa, ape jawapan dia? hehehe. Aku dapat la gak jawab. :P. Team dia dapat no7 dari 35 team yg masuk, terel ke team dia tu atau banyak lagi team tak dapat jawab? hehehe. Kalau tak aku nak join, ade satu team akak tu (dah kawin), ajak awek aku ngan aku join team dia, kira aku tido kat P.D ngan husband akak tu la. Tapi aku keje lak time tu (hari ni le).

Tadi petang, dalam pukul 3, aku gerak pi nilai naik komuter, nak pi amik keta iswara + hantar abah pi KLIA, abah nak pi Kuching, Sarawak. Mak dah pergi sana dulu. Mak naik MAS sebab JPNS yang bayar, abah lak naik Air Asia sebab terlambat booking, hehe, tapi bilik hotel sama la. :P. Masa aku dalam komuter tu, terserempak lak ngan Adik (Adik Shahrul, Firdaus, aku panggil dia adik). Bleh la, borak citer lama kejap. Teringat aku kisah lama, hahaha, lawak2.

Kelmarin semalam, Wakee mai KL, hehe, aku bawak dia pi tido rumah kat Bukit Jalil, actually, dia nak pi interview kat SPA Putrajaya. Esoknye tu aku pun follow dia pi Putrajaya, lepak2 sana kejap, jumpa member baru interview sana gak, nama dia Zul, hehe, kalau dia dapat keje yang dia interview tu, cable besar woo! :P, siap pi lepak rumah Zul tu kejap, kepala otak besh gak la, hehe.

Hari ni mai opis awal, sebabnye, Hazim ajak aku main pingpong, huhuhuh, lama gila tak main pingpong, bukan hebat mana pun, tapi boleh la takat pukul2. Hehe, dah konpem, aku kalah, tapi 3 set tu, hehe, takpe zim, lain kali kita main lagi, haha. Buku yang aku pesan haritu, dah pun sampai, besh2, buku mengenai pengurusan kewangan, hehe, tajuknye? ade la, hehe, segan aku bagitau.

Alhamdulillah, dalam bulan ni, harapnya ada la rezeki aku masuk, dah 2 org bagitau peluang rezeki ni. InsyaAllah, rezeki tu ada kat mana2.


The company policy said, we can`t do a freelance job while you working with this company and bla bla, but i think, since it will not effect your job such as not do your job nicely, not come to office frequently, do something bad about the company, "tuang kerja"! and yada yada yada, do the freelance job/ part time job are not a wrong thing to do. I want to find a parttime job because i want to make my life more happier. I want to "kumpul duit" for maybe to get married, have a secure life, buy a house and so on. So i think, if you got a freelance job, go for it. Since it won`t effect your primary job.

Actually, i got an offer from my friends to do this freelance job with his client, quite interesting because i think i can do this job. I`m quite familiar with the job that i want to involve. So, this tuesday, i will meet my client and discuss more about the job that he want to give me. I hope that i can get the job, so i can use the money to pay the hutang or to renew my passport. Rezeki and peluang is everywhere, it`s about how you will find and get it.

Since i think, my company that i working now maybe won`t give me an increment in a short term or something like that, i must find a way to get my pockets full.

Takkan nak duduk diam je, tunggu orang suap baru makan.Kene la usaha sikit kalau nak makan lebih.

Pupus - Edit Version

Haha, this posting was so kelakar la, i get it from bro sharul`s blog. He edit the lyrics of pupus song by Dewa. Haha, but he mention that you must sing this song like Mawi version on the Akademi Fantasia. This is the lyrics that he wrote, kui! (Terasa siut! haha)

Kau takkan mengerti apa yang kurasa
Poket ku yang kosong begitu luasnya!!
Aku nak kan duit ku, lebih dari yang kau tau
Meski kau acting buat tak tau!

Aku persembahkan khidmatku untuk mu
Telah kugunakan simpananku padamu
Namun kau masih bisu diam tak ada berita
dan hati kecilku bicara

baru ku sedari
diriku hanya berangan-angan
kau buat kacau planning duitku

semoga engkau akan memahami isi hatiku yang pilu
semoga akan datang keajaiban
hingga akhirnya kau pun malu
Aku nak kan duit ku
lebih dari yang kau tau.... uuuuu
Meski kau acting buat tak tau!

baru ku sedari
diriku hanya berangan-angan
kau buat kacau planning duitku
plannning dddduuuuuiiiittt ku... wwooohhh!

"Ohh... banyaknya hutang!"

baru ku sedari
diriku hanya berangan-angan
kau buat kacau planning duitku

* ulang

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Baru je kejap tadi, awek aku sms aku, kucing kesayangan kami tu, dah melahirkan anak, haha, yey! Yimi dah jadi mother! Mother of UltraCat! huhu, aku ingat lagi masa aku ngan awek aku amik si Yimi ni kat apartment aku kat Subang Jaya tu, time tu aku kerja kat Subang tu, kecik je dia time tu, sekarang dah ada anak pulak dah, hehe. Dia bleh beranak kat sebelah awek aku time tengah tido, dalam selimut lak tu, haha, abis baju awek aku kene darah si Yimi ni. Seronok gak la ade baby kucing, tapi kos nak jaga dia makin bertambah la nampaknya, makanan kene beli banyak2.

Ni gambar Yimi masa dia kecik2 dulu. Hehe, kejap je dah besar, kejap je dah ada anak pulak tu.

Little Linux Secrets

Little Linux Secrets - Utilities You May Not Know About But Should, this is a good articles, but actually, i don`t use X thingy in linux!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I totally like this song! To Bush, go fu*k up your self! Don`t you feel guilty? Look at your country! There a lot of people need your help, they are the victim of Katrina. Damn you!

[Mos Def - talking]
Man, you hear this bullshit they be talkin'
Every day, man
It's like these motherfuckers is just like professional liars
YouknowwhatI'msayin? It's wild

[Hook - Mos Def]
Bin Laden didn't blow up the projects
It was you, nigga
Tell the truth, nigga
(Bush knocked down the towers)--[Jadakiss]
Tell the truth, nigga
(Bush knocked down the towers)--[Jadakiss]
Tell the truth, nigga

Bin Laden didn't blow up the projects
It was you, nigga
Tell the truth, nigga
(Bush knocked down the towers)--[Jadakiss]
Tell the truth, nigga
(Bush knocked down the towers)--[Jadakiss]

[Verse 1 - Immortal Technique]
I pledge no allegiance, nigga fuck the president's speeches
I'm baptized by America and covered in leeches
The dirty water that bleaches your soul and your facial features
Drownin' you in propaganda that they spit through the speakers
And if you speak about the evil that the government does
The Patriot Act'll track you to the type of your blood
They try to frame you, and say you was tryna sell drugs
And throw a federal indictment on niggaz to show you love
This shit is run by fake Christians, fake politicians
Look at they mansions, then look at the conditions you live in
All they talk about is terrorism on television
They tell you to listen, but they don't really tell you they mission
They funded Al-Qaeda, and now they blame the Muslim religion
Even though Bin Laden, was a CIA tactician
They gave him billions of dollars, and they funded his purpose
Fahrenheit 9/11, that's just scratchin' the surface

[Hook - Mos Def]
Bin Laden didn't blow up the projects
It was you, nigga
Tell the truth, nigga
(Bush knocked down the towers)--[Jadakiss]
Tell the truth, nigga
(Bush knocked down the towers)--[Jadakiss]
Tell the truth, nigga

Bin Laden didn't blow up the projects
It was you, nigga
Tell the truth, nigga
(Bush knocked down the towers)--[Jadakiss]
Tell the truth, nigga
(Bush knocked down the towers)--[Jadakiss]

[Verse 2 - Immortal Technique]
They say the rebels in Iraq still fight for Saddam
But that's bullshit, I'll show you why it's totally wrong
Cuz if another country invaded the hood tonight
It'd be warfare through Harlem, and Washington Heights
I wouldn't be fightin' for Bush or White America's dream
I'd be fightin' for my people's survival and self-esteem
I wouldn't fight for racist churches from the south, my nigga
I'd be fightin' to keep the occupation out, my nigga
You ever clock someone who talk shit, or look at you wrong?
Imagine if they shot at you, and was rapin' your moms
And of course Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons
We sold him that shit, after Ronald Reagan's election
Mercenary contractors fightin' a new era
Corporate military bankin' off the war on terror
They controllin' the ghetto, with the failed attack
Tryna distract the fact that they engineerin' the crack
So I'm strapped like Lee Malvo holdin' a sniper rifle
These bullets'll touch your kids, and I don't mean like Michael
Your body be sent to the morgue, stripped down and recycled
I fire on house niggaz that support you and like you
Cuz innocent people get murdered in the struggle daily
And poor people never get shit and struggle daily
This ain't no alien conspiracy theory, this shit is real
Written on the dollar underneath the Masonic seal

(I don't rap for dead presidents
I'd rather see the president dead
It's never been said but I set precedents)--[Eminem]

[Hook - Mos Def]
Bin Laden didn't blow up the projects
It was you, nigga
Tell the truth, nigga
(Bush knocked down the towers)--[Jadakiss]
Tell the truth, nigga
(Bush knocked down the towers)--[Jadakiss]
Tell the truth, nigga

Bin Laden didn't blow up the projects
It was you, nigga
Tell the truth, nigga
(Bush knocked down the towers)--[Jadakiss]
Tell the truth, nigga
(Bush knocked down the towers)--[Jadakiss]

(Shady Records was 80 seconds away from the towers
Some cowards fucked with the wrong building, they meant to hit ours)-- [Eminem]

Artist: Immortal Technique f/ Mos Def
Album: Bin Laden 12"
Song: Bin Laden

Download this song.

The truths and lies about 9/11.


I want to take this opportunity to congrats my office mate who just delivered a baby girl today, she is Ennie and also to her husband, Ramli. Congratulation to both of you, may the force be with both of you and also to your new baby girl. Indah sungguh jadi ibu bapa, aku bila lagi? hehe, kawin pun belum tau bila, koh koh koh.

Semoga rezeki yang wujud tu akan terus mencurah2 dan sentiasa dirahmati olehNya. Amin.

Monday, September 05, 2005


Habis settle bilik aku kat rumah ni aku kemas, akhirnya! haha, setelah berbulan2 tak kemas, actually, mana ada masa nak kemas bilik aku kat rumah seremban ni. Balik pun sekali sekala, balik tu pun kejap je, tapi kali ni, walaupun balik kejap, aku kena gak kemas bilik, sebab mak lang aku akan guna pakai bilik aku sebagai tempat diorg sefamily tido nanti, so malula kalau tak kemas, kepejadah bilik tu cam stor je, malu malu seh! hehe. Cadar dan sarung bantal pun habis aku basuh. Komik komik yang terlalu banyak macam kat kedai majalah mamak tu aku dah susun balik. Resit resit dan tiket wayang yang dah lama gila pun dah kene buang. Aman sikit tengok bilik ni, hehe.

Kejap lagi nak balik ke KL semula, esok aku kerja malam pulak. Petang ni terus pi amik awek aku balik dari office dia, lama dah tak jumpa dia, hehe, (actually takde la lama mana). Minggu depan aku kene balik seremban lagi. So jadi jarang balik nak jumpa. Actually sebelum ni pun, aku jumpa awek aku sebab aku hantar dia pi balik kerja, sebab aku banyak cuti, so aku bleh la tolong hantar dia. Tak jadi masalah pun kat aku pasal tu, keta pun dah tukar keta kecik, so minyak tak makan la sangat.

12hb ni awek aku konvo kat UITM, akhirnya dapat gak dia degree. Aku kena bawak mak ngan kakak dia sekali pergi S.A, memula aku fikir nak tukar keta besar sikit, tapi bila fikir balik, leceh la tuka tuka keta ni. Lagi pun kejap je nak pakainye. Malas la pulak aku. Nanti nak kumpul duit untuk tukar absober kancil aku, alang alang tukar, biar amik yang bagus punya absober, apm ke, kayaba ke, monroe ke, kimex ke,pejadah lagi la.


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Just click here or XML button for XML support. Thanks.

Sunday, September 04, 2005


Hari-hari aku sekarang dalam bulan ni memang suffer sangat, banyak sangat budjet aku kene buat baru/ubah. Ni sebab perubahan pembayaran elaun punya pasal la ni, semua budjet aku lari. Sedih la aku. Macam zaman kejatuhan mata wang je. Bila fikir balik, kenapa la diorang ni buat macam ni? Aku ade buat salah ke? Ape salah aku? Hurm, ntah la, bulan ni saja, banyak gila hal yang berkaitan dengan duit. Kelas duk tunda2, kene balik seremban banyak kali (pakai duit), awek aku pulak konvo (pakai duit), HITB nye tshirt (erkk! pakai duit gak ni), minyak keta (duit), tol (duit), makan (duit), hutang keliling dunia (duit), bla bla (duit) yada yada (duit), dem!

Wth is going on to me! where all my money gone?! dem! Memang betul ape orang cakap, ada duit semua jadi, takde duit semua tak jadi. Aku bukanla kering habis, cuma duit tu betul2 cukup makan sampai hujung bulan, memang aku tak boleh nak buat apa dah dengan baki yang tinggal tu kecuali benda2 yang asas, minyak keta + makan. Sedih sangat! Ape la nak jadi ngan aku ni!

Anda memerlukan pekerja secara part time/freelance yang boleh bekerja secara time fleksible? (waktu yang boleh adjust) dalam bidang networking, buat cabling sekali pun, setup linux server, install cms, install forum, yada yada pasal komputer atau jaga CC sekalipun, sila contact aku di alamat ni akram2k[at], terima kasih daun keladi.


As you all know from my previous post, i`m back to my home town at seremban last night after work. I drive my kancil from office to seremban. It takes 1 hour journey. My speed limit is only 90km/h - 120km/h. If i drive iswara, maybe it takes 45 minutes or less. Sampai je rumah, makan nasi terus, lapar gila, actually aku tak lunch pun tengahari tu. Pagi tadi pergi kelas kat Oum, pukul 8 pagi, segar jugak la mata time tu, subject pukul 8 tu ialah Implementasi Pangkalan Data (CBDB3203) oleh En. Azmi. Ok la dia ajar, lagipun tadi yang dia ajar ialah basic SQL, select * from table bla bla. Pukul 10.15 pulak subject Struktur Data (CBDS2103) oleh Cik Norra, aiseh, tak berapa nak best la pulak, ngantuk gila aku dalam kelas ni, dia ajar siap nak pasang projector + guna laptop bagai, gaya pun ada sikit berlagak la, aiseh, boring2. Tapi takpe lah. Next kelas ialah 18hb, tapi time tu, kelas En. Azmi ditunda pulak ke 25hb, nampaknya bulan ni, banyak kali aku kena balik seremban. Kene amik cuti la pulak 15hb. sebab alang2 ada kenduri kat rumah aku (mak lang aku buat kenduri kat rumah aku, bukan aku kawin tau!).

Tadi lepas kelas, aku pergi check absober kancil aku, nampaknya minyak dah leaking la, org tu kata, absober dah tak main. Hurmm, nak tuka rm300+ la pulak, mahal nak mampus, so aku tangguh la dulu, nanti la ada duit baru tuka, mintak2 takde la problem yang besar2 jadi. Lepas tu, pi gunting rambut, akhirnya rambut aku dah pendek balik, huu! ringannya kepala, hehe. Baru besh skit nak berfikir. Along pun balik seremban tadi, kejap je dia balik, aku pulak nak balik kl esok. 11hb ni aku nak try tukar dengan sesiapa yang boleh tukar la ngan aku sebab pagi 12hb aku ada hal, nak kena hantar awek aku + mak dia + akak dia pi konvo dia kat uitm. Kul 7.30pg dah kena ada kat sana, kalau aku kerja malam (balik pagi), mana nak sempat pergi sana. Heharap la boleh tukar. :) Aku ingat nak tukar iswara kejap la, nanti 15hb balik seremban lagi, tukar balik kancil. Besar sikit keretanya nak bawak orang.

Blog aku ni ramai la pulak komen tulisan kecil sangat. Ok lah, ni aku dah besarkan 12px, resolution pc korang tinggi2, tu pasal la nampak tulisan ni kecik2 je. Hehe. Tulisan dekat msjbox pun aku dah besarkan sikit. So, enjoy your reading.

Saturday, September 03, 2005


Hari ni, aku banyak habiskan masa menggodek blogspot ni je, ntah la, macam tak puas je aku tengok, aku suka tgk 1khz punya blog, dianye template memang menarik, hehe. (Aku puji ko ni, nak mintak template tu :P). Takde ape yang menarik pun kat opis ni, ape barang la keje sabtu, sampai malam lak tu, huhu. Org duk cuti, aku keje, org keje, aku cuti, hari ngan tarikh pun kekadang tak ingat.

Malam ni, lepas opis, aku nak cargas balik seremban. Esok aku ade kelas OUM semester baru kat seremban, pagi ahad lak tu (padan muka aku, sape suh amik kelas pagi). Bila la nak habis degree aku ni. Aku tak check pun berapa banyak subject lagi aku kene ambik. Semalam, aku ngan zain tanya kat florence pasal tshirt company masa family day tu, akhirnya dapat pun. Siap cap ngan kipas? Mak aih, merahnye mak ngah, tapi tshirt tu dia pi kasi aku saiz XXL, isk isk, aku bukan gemuk la, cuma boroi je. XL je cukup la (saiz dia cam tak betul skit). Walaupun saiz tak betul, tapi XXL tu still besar beb! Tak kisah la, janji free. Boleh buat hobi ni, kumpul barang2 free. Hehe.

Aku dah email kat bos aku mengenai HR yang tetiba ubah2 style bayar allowance. Bos aku pun dah email balik kat aku, Alhamdulillah, reaksi positif, harap2 lepas ni ok la. Aku berdoa gak la agar gaji aku dirombak semula. Amin. 17hb ni Nazrul nak buat lagi PaintBall, dekat MudTrekker PaintBall Kuang, Selangor. Tapi kena bayar rm100 la pulak. Kalau mengikut nafsu membunuh aku, memang aku nak join sangat, tapi memandangkan kekangan kewangan, iaitu baki duit aku dalam bank ni ialah budjet sampai hujung bulan, aku terpaksa membatalkan niat membunuh yang membuak2 tu. Takpe lah, lain kali la pulak.


yey! berjaya gak buh banner kat atas tu dan jugak buh msjbox, thanks to papit. Aku nak try edit2 lagi blog ni, kasi nampak macam besh skit :P, blog lama dulu tak smart la nak edit2, keh keh :P. Msjbox tu aku dapat invite dari papit, sebab kalau nak pakai, kene invite lak, x leh register camtu je. Untuk segala features dan nak tgk ape ade dalam msjbox tu, bleh pi kat sini.


Blog aku ni masih dalam proses mengedit2 dan bermain2 dengan template yang ada, hurmm, nampaknya takde yang menarik & l33t la untuk digunakan, so i just choose this simple template, memang la ramai dah guna template ni sebab ni template default, tapi peduli ape aku, wahaha. Game CTF yang aku main tu tinggal lagi 3 flag je tak dapat nak ambik lagi, agak payah la sebab nak kene exploit linux server.

Aku sekarang tengah nak belajar camne nak hack blogspot ni, besh gak mende ni, ade RSS feed, etc etc bla bla. Camne ek nak kecikkan tulisan2 ni? hehe, nampak macam besar semacam je :P.


This is my new post from blogspot, i`ve made a decision to change my bloghost provider. saja nak tuka angin pulak, so, welcome to my new blog :)

If you still miss and want to read my old post from my old blog, please feel free to click here. Thank you.