Actually, i totally not in ready mode but, i dengan
Well, all participant is showing a good respond when i give my speech. I also saw, one or two guys were sleepy, haha. Maybe i talk too much and they get bored! haha. Now i know how the feeling when you give a talk in front of the class and the participant were sleeping. Haha.
The participant are from goverment sector. Their job are such as PSM and PPSM. But, they don`t have lot of knowledge in security area. Well, maybe i can share with them what knowledge in security do i have in my head. :)
Tomorrow is the second day, and i still have to give a talk but the topic is about MySQL Security : How to secure it. Well, yesterday, i do some information gathering about how to secure the MySQL database server in linux. I found quite lot of info and i write it in my slide. Tomorrow is a challage to me! hehe, Gambatte! I will try my best! :P (poyo gila ayat)