Friday, November 30, 2007

Happy CSD!

To all my fellow friends around the world who are working in computer and network security arena, I wish you a "Happy Computer Security Day!". May your computer and network are always secure from virus, spyware, malware, hackers, crackers and even though a social engineering or any threat that can make your head a headache. God bless computer security guys!



Tuesday, November 27, 2007


People come, people go. Mende ni normal dalam sesebuah company. Hari ni, sorang lagi member aku last day kat company ni, senyap2 je tender, huuu, tau2 dah dapat email farewell. Well, he got the right move. Leaving for better future. Hmm, well, everybody have their right to do what ever decision they made for their own career. Well, to my friend Bobci, i wish you good luck for your new career development. Well, we should celebrate this when i come back to Malaysia soon. If you got any "line" or "cable", do not hesitate to contact me, you know my number, hehehe.

Good luck bro!


Friday, November 23, 2007


Missed? What i missed so much these days? Yes, there's a few list of my missed thing since i came to this so called kingdom country.

1. My sweet lovely honey bunny wifey! I'm so missed her so much! Days and nights! Every time, nonstop! I wish, yes i really wish that i will never leave her alone again in the future, but who knows what will happen later, only God knows. I missed some of the time that i should spent with my wife while she was struggle being a pregnant lady. I know it's hard, but, i hope she can survive without me for a while. Some people said, "sayang isteri, tinggal-tinggalkan". At least, i leave her to make some money for our future.

2. My family of course, Abah, Mak, Along and Bang Long, Angah and my nieces. So missed to spend my time with them. It also including my wife's family like my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law too. Oh, not to forget, my wife's cat, baby. Huuu.

3. My house, yes, it just a small apartment house. Nothing special inside it but to me, it's so special in my heart. That's why they said, "home sweet home" and "baiti jannati"*.

4. My cars, yes, my silver surfer, the name i've called my V6? and wifey's Getz, i missed so much to drive in the heavy stupid traffic jam everyday in the morning while sending and fetching my wifey in the evening at her office. Missed to drive my car to my office, driving in the "SMART" tunnel that not so smart i think. Missed driving to go to Midvalley for doors and windows shopping, heh!

5. My DSLR D70, hoho! Yes, i didn't bring it here because of this country's rules, they do not allow you to snap the piccas wildly. Most of my piccas, taken by my friend's N95 handphone "curi2". Haha. I think, they don't have such of photography in their hobby list here. If you like photography, my advise is, don't live in Saudi.

6. Watching movies either in the cinemas or a downloaded movies from torrent and watching the new updated tv series episode that also come from torrent. Duh! If you like downloading torrent as your hobby, don't live in Saudi too, haha.

7. A variety of Malaysian foods! I'm so missed my mother's cooks! Especially, my favorite "ayam sambal". I'm so missed my mother-in-law's cooks too and not to forget my wifey's cooks (nevermind if she just only cooked before she got pregnant, but i still miss it, hehe).

Hmmm, there's a few list that i think i still missed it so much, but, i think, this is enough for now. I'm so missed my country. Well, the number is still counting. Tik tok tik tok! till i reach my country soon! InsyaAllah.

*my home, my paradise.


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Spam Master!

Huhu, so bored in the office. I just got a new hobby, spamming the mailing list, haha. Well, so many hot emails flying through my inbox, some of them are created by me, haha. Well, all emails are actually to express my thought like "what is going on with you people?" "how do you working?" "what is the problems is?" whatever related to the jobs, company and staff itself. Some of the emails are very hot than the tom yam kung. It's kind of advices and personal thought.

Haha, well, i do personally think that all emails are true and correct but yes, it's my bad to express such a feeling publicly, that's my point anyway, to make all of us know what is really happen actually. My bosses had express their thought as well, hehe, i'm some kind to be polite (or just a politic only) to make an apologies because, yes, through email is not a proper way to complaint and somebody will be offended. Maybe next time i will speak up directly to the correct person and not via email anymore. I'm not coward, i will do what i think is the best for me, whatever it takes. Ma fi Mushkilla.


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Hajj Cancellation

Hmm, setelah aku berusaha mencari solution macamana aku nak extend ticket flight aku, nampaknya aku tak berjaya gak membuat pertukaran tarikh. Aku dah try call MAS Jeddah dan MAS Malaysia, dah try mintak tolong region manager kat sini, masih tak dapat penyelesaian sebab flight untuk balik ke Malaysia selepas Haji ni penuh (fully booked) sampai la ke Januari 2008. Plan aku untuk stay lama untuk mendapat 10 hari cuti dan juga menunaikan haji terpaksa cancel. Bukan rezeki aku kot buat haji tahun ni. Ada hikmah dia tu. Maybe Allah nak aku buat haji in proper way kot.

So, aku dah call Ustaz Sobri, yang handle buat haji ni tadi. Aku dah cakap kat dia mintak maaf sebab terpaksa batalkan niat buat haji tu. Ustaz Sobri kata akan pulangkan semula deposit yang aku dah bayar SAR500 dulu, insyaAllah. Kalau ustaz tu tak dapat pulangkan pun atas sebab2 tertentu, aku akan ikhlaskan dan sedekah. So, insyaAllah, aku akan balik Malaysia pada 22nd December nanti. Time tu semua dah cuti sebab musim haji. Well, insyaAllah dah balik Malaysia nanti, aku akan buka akaun tabung haji untuk pergi haji, RM1300 untuk buka akaun.

Walaupun aku x dapat pergi buat haji, at least banyak maklumat serta ilmu mengenai haji aku dapat pelajari, boleh simpan dan ingat untuk masa depan bila ada peluang menunaikan haji.


Saturday, November 17, 2007


Semalam, lepas Isya', kami semua plan untuk pergi shopping di Balad. Balad ni kira town dia la. Ramai pendatang je kat area ni. Rasa macam kat India pun ada. Hahaha. Sampai sana, ramai gila orang. Perut lapar gila. Pergi cari makanan. Tunggu punya tunggu, x dapat tempat kosong. Dari satu kedai ke kedai lain. Last2, kami tunggu gak kat restoran Thailand ni, akhirnya dapat gak tempat kosong. Order nasik putih, lauk daging with green paper, ikan goreng with chilli sauce dan mix vegetable. Cukup. Kenyang gak la perut, Alhamdulillah. Hehe.

Lepas tu, jam dah pukul 10 p.m lebih. Macam dah x sempat nak round2 sangat, kitorang pun singgah di kedai jual Albayah/t? (Jubah perempuan tu). Aku pun pilih2 la mana berkenan. Aku beli 6 helai jubah kat sini. Untuk mak, mak mertua aku, along, angah, kakak ipar aku dan wife aku. Boleh tahan gak la harga dia, nasib baik total below SAR 1K. Hehe, of course, my wife punya yang paling best sekali, hopefully dia suka la. Hehe.

Lepas tu pi kedai jual kacang2. Aku beli gajus je, share dengan Zain untuk makan2 kat rumah. Zain duk shopping banyak kat sini sebab dia dah nak balik isnin ni. Lepas tu pi kedai sebelah lagi, beli tasbih yang Radzi pesan tu. Ada jual jubah lelaki kat sini, tapi x beli lagi, insyaAllah malam ni pergi lagi. Nak beli untuk abah, bang long dan aku (untuk Haji nanti). Maybe nak cari Albayah/t? versi kanak2 kot untuk anak2 buah aku, kalau jumpa. Hehe.


Friday, November 16, 2007

Second Umrah

Alhamdulillah, semalam (khamis), aku selesai melakukan umrah untuk kali yang ke 2. Actually, masa masuk tu, sebenarnya dah tak boleh masuk ke mekah due to Haji. Diorang dah start buat spot check samada ada permit Haji ke tak. Alhamdulillah, Mr. Hamudi (Driver teksi kitorang) gaduh ape dengan polis tu, dan polis tu bagi chance kat kami masuk. Dan semalam ialah last untuk aku menunaikan umrah pada tahun ini. Kalau tak dapat masuk semalam, aku bukan sahaja kene bayar dam, malah aku x boleh meniduri isteri selagi aku x masuk ke Mekah semula kerana aku dah berniat Ihram semasa di Jeddah. Alhamdulillah aku dapat masuk ke Mekah untuk menunaikan Umrah. Air Zam-zam pun aku dapat bawak balik 1 botol 10 liter. Syukur.

Depan Masjidil Haram, selesai menunaikan Umrah kali ke 2.

Kat sana, kami sampai kali ni pada pukul 11 a.m lebih, sempat tawaf 5 round dan berhenti untuk solat zohor dan sambung semula lagi 2 round. Selesai Umrah dalam pukul 2 lebih, makan tengahari (ermm, dah petang) di KFC, haha. Makan KFC depan Masjidil Haram, best2. Then sembahyang Asar, lepas tu terus balik semula ke Jeddah dalam pukul 5 p.m lebih, Maghrib dalam perjalanan balik.

Lunch KFC, depan Masjidil Haram, sedap gak ayam dia hehe. Jangan marah sayang, :P.

InsyaAllah, aku nak extend tiket flight balik aku nanti ke 26hb Disember. Sepatutnya 22hb Disember. Ini kerana aku nak cukupkan 60 hari aku di sini untuk mendapat 10 hari passage leave. Lagipun, insyaAllah aku nak menunaikan Haji. Haji akan selesai pada 23hb Disember, so sememangnya kena extend. Alhamdulillah, aku ada jumpa Ustaz Malaysia yang buat package haji untuk rakyat Malaysia di sini. Ustaz Sobri namanya, 7 tahun dah menetap di sini. Deposit untuk haji pun dah aku bayar sebanyak SAR500. Total package ialah SAR1600 dan dam ialah SAR400, insyaAllah semua sekali ialah SAR2000 (mungkin tak kena bayar dam kalau masuk malam 16hb Disember). Alhamdulillah, semoga aku dapat menunaikan Haji pada tahun ini dengan tanpa sebarang masalah, InysaAllah. Ini peluang keemasan untuk aku, dan aku x nak lepaskannya.

Proton Gen2 parking kat kawasan perumahan area Client office, ketika on the way cari kedai makan time lunch.

Ada 3 bijik Gen2 ni kat situ. Ada jugak pak arab yang suka beli kereta buatan Malaysia ni ek. Haha. Perodua Kelisa pun dah 2 bijik aku nampak, hmmm, ingatkan Merc, Lexus dan BMW je depa beli, haha. Ada jugak perasaan bangga tu, hehe.


Monday, November 12, 2007

Work Sucks!

So many things happen this week, sampai aku malas nak update dalam blog ni, hahaha. Perkara bodoh yang aku rasa lawak, perkara tak masuk akal, perkara best, macam2 la. Hari tu, aku dan bebudak ni pergi Malaysian Open House yang dianjurkan oleh Panda Mart kat Jeddah ni. Actually, jemputan hanya orang2 tertentu je, tapi kami dijemput oleh orang lama kat sini iaitu En. Badrul, so kami pegi je la open house tu, haha. Aku follow je depa ni, takkan x pi lak kan kalau diorg sumer pergi. Tapi tu kira seronok gak la, jumpa rakyat2 malaysia yang masing2 kerja kat sini dan masing2 cerita pengalaman kelakar deal dengan pak arab kat sini, haha.

Hari ni, ada 2 perkara x best berlaku. Pagi tadi, teksi yang aku selalu naik pi office, mengalami eksiden, actually tak teruk pun, teksi pun x ada ape2 pun. Alhamdulillah semua ok. Teksi tu pun memang tak salah ape pun. Ada satu BMW 5 Series dengan gopoh tak sabar cam cipan nak terberak potong teksi kitorang ni, pastu dia nak speed, tak perasan ada lori besar gabak berhenti kat depan tu, ape lagi, tebabo la langgar lori tu, teruk gak la BMW tu, sini jenis tak sayang keta betul, keta mahal2, macam scrap je jadi. So bila dia dah terlanggar lori, dia terlanggar plak teksi kitorang, nasib baik sikit je, bangla bawak teksi ni (Zia) terus cargas lari sebab takut polis saman dia walaupun dia x salah, hahahaha. Adeh, pak arab ni, tau la kaya, dah tau nak repair keta sini mahal, lagi nak bawak macam cilake, bawak la elok2, adeh.

Pastu tengahari, aku dah gaduh ngan geng Mpeople ni plak, hahaha, macam cilake je. Actually mende kecik je pasal report yang ntah bila nak siap ntah tu, haha, yep aku tau mende kecik. Tapi dah dia duk blame budak company aku yang asyik buat silap, tu aku panas, hahahaha. Mpeople ni, aku x yah buat baik pun x pe, x penting pun. Nampak cam aku tak professional kan? Haha, pedulik ape aku, ko bukan bos aku, ko bukan client aku, suka suki je nak blame2. Dah la duk suruh buat keje yang bukan keje kitorang, ahhh, pi mampus la! Hahaha. Aku pun x berminat nak jumpa/deal ngan korang lagi la. Huh!

Fuh, you can say i'm not professional, who cares! Aku tau la bila aku nak jadi professional, dengan sape aku nak professional. Maybe time ni je kot aku gaduh2, tengok la lepas ni camne, aku pun malas nak layan mende2 bodoh ni, tapi dah terpaksa, kene layan gak, adeh. Ni bukan masalah pak arab, ni masalah "putarbelit"nye geng. Lantak lah. Hahaha.

Tengah fikir dan mencari2 jalan untuk menunaikan haji. Ada macam2 package, tapi dari segi undang2 saudi, adakah aku yang hanya mempunyai visa business boleh masuk mekah untuk menunaikan fardu haji? Hmmm, kalau boleh, legal, aku nak sangat pergi, tapi kalau masuk illegal, takde permit haji, aku terpaksa melepaskan peluang ni kot, mungkin ada sebab dan hikmah kenapa aku tak dapat pergi. InsyaAllah, kalau ada rezeki, aku dapat menunaikannya, kalau tak, maybe belum lagi masanya kot.

Anyway, 25 working days more to go!


Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Hmm, so far ok, in the future, i really don't know, need to prepare my self a bit about technical stuff (ohh i hate that system!), but if got something wrong or this project is not finish in time, it is not my fault. I REPEAT, IT IS NOT MY FAULT! HUH! Promise is a promise. I will do my best here but i've done what i've start, that's it! We already made an agreement before we came here. Cukup bulan, aku cargas! Hahaha, pi mampus la kalau ada masalah, hahaha, sape suh tak plan and manage properly. Ape punya management daa.



Friday, November 02, 2007


Some of piccas, taken at KSA.

Me, in the cab, on the way to our client office. *Yasar, yamin, 'ala tol!

Client office. where i being force to work, for at least 2 months :P

Me, Bob and Zain in Ihram, waiting for our cab to go to Makkah for Umrah.

Alhamdulillah, last night, me, Zain and Bob have a chance to perform our Umrah, this is my second time here since the first time is in the year 2000 which i came with my family. Syukur, looking forward to perform Umrah again next week, insyaAllah.

Me and Zain, in front of Masjidil Haram, after done performing our Umrah, Alhamdulillah.

*yasar = left
yamin = right
'ala tol = go straight

p/s: Thanks to Bob for his new Nokia N95.



I do wonder, can i survive handling this stupid project alone? What if all my colleagues leave me alone here? I do feel alone right now. Hmm, i don't know, time will tell. Ahh, persetankan semua tu! Seems like i'm like a baby huh? Hahaha. Need to prepare myself if this happen! Come on man, other people can do, so do i!

It is better if my wife is right here beside me now
