Friday, April 27, 2007

I Got Tagged!

Yik?! Did i? Hehe, well, Kimi just tagged me with the topic of weird things about me. Hurmm, need to dig deeper inside my brain to figure out what the weird things i got. Hurmmm, here goes (can i just write it in Bahasa?) :

1. Aku mempunyai paranoid mengenai finance. Setiap masa asyik duk kira budjet je padahal hari2 aku buat benda yang sama. Tak kaya-kaya gak. Haha.

2. Kedai pertama yang aku akan masuk bila aku jalan2 kat pasaraya sorang2 ialah kedai buku such as MPH/Kino/Times. Janji dapat tengok2 pun dah puas.

3. Aku ada sifat "what i want, i will get it what ever it takes, how long it will takes". Well, as long as it doesn't hurts anyone.

4. I love being at home rather than going outside as long as i got broadband and astro to avoid me from getting bored.

5. Aku cakap banyak, kadang2 susah nak berhenti. Sometime i talk nonsense. Sometime i think people do hate me for the stupid things i've said or done. (Hopefully not). Guys, please forgive me. :|

6. Aku panas baran. Kadang2 panas tak bersebab. Aku juga cepat cool lepas aku baran. Maybe aku pembawa 50-50 gen Abah dan Mak aku. Kadang2 perkara kecil aku marah, kadang2 perkara besar aku tak marah, so it's depend on my mood at that time, weird huh?

7. I want to get slimmer again, remove all fats that i have especially at the stomach but i love eating fast food and cheese so much. (duh! this is not weird, this is stubborn).

8. Ohh ohh! I like to read people blogs and write my own blog. Huu! It's just my rubbish blog.

Well, that's the weird things I've got inside me that i can think right now. Hope it fulfill the tagged thingy.

Will this people who i want to tag do the tag? Let's see who will get tag by me.

1. Ayoi Bejtlich
2. Bro Rizal
3. Idris Jala?

