Sunday, December 03, 2006


It's was a long time since i bought my last book, erm, time management for system administrator i think. Yeah, i need to feed my brain by reading an interesting book rather then reading a blog on the internet. Oh, maybe i don't buy book anymore because i can get free ebook from the internet, duh! I know some book are illegal to download, but i still want to read and don't have a lot of money to buy a lot of books. Sorry!

However, i still buy a book. Yep, the newest book i bought was "Menguasai protocol TCP/IP dan networking" by En. Abdul Latiff Bin Esa. Yep, the book are in malay language. It was ease to understand what he want to teach inside that book and not just translate it from english to malay. I think that book was quite detail for it's catagories and people who are newbies in computer network area are recommended to read this book, i think. At least for me, it was useful.

Well, however, i still don't have a time to read that book because i need to read my Open University module first. Duh, tomorrow is my 2nd paper final exam, waa, still not finish reading that module.
