Sunday, September 24, 2006


Alhamdulillah, Ramadhan menjelma lagi, semoga segala amalan ibadat kita pada bulan yang mulia ini diterima dan diberkati olehNya, amin.

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al Mubaraq.

p/s: credit to the owner of this picture! :)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Enough Said

Enough about moving to the new house. The conclusion is, moving to the new house is something about spending a lot of your money. Dem! Today i've spend another RM200 for stuff like hanger, trash bin, iron board bla bla at Carrefour. Waa! Need to control the flow of my money and rebudgeting again. Duh! Will update later about this.


Today i went to HITB at Westin Hotel. Well, i think this conference is just the same as last year. The different is i don't get a free pass to join the conference and a lot of volunteer from UniKL i think?. Haha. Ermm, but i'm using Hazim's pass for entering one of the conference about Application IPS. All faces are same like last year. I meet Bro Adli, Yomuds, Kamal Defensix, Mr. Abu, En. Hamid, security expert from all over the world and many2 familiar faces. Hehe. I'm buying 2 shirt for me, different design, 1 for my girl, 2 for Puan Fidza and husband and 1 for Nik. Dem, borong sakan. Zone-H team is the one team who participating in CTF (capture the flag).

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

New House (part 2)

Huu, hari ni, akhirnya, elektrik dah on balik kat rumah tu. Abah aku dah pi tukar nama elektrik. Baru semangat sikit nak pindah barang. Maybe esok tengahari/petang aku angkut baju2/barang2 aku dari rumah akak aku ke rumah tu. Huu. Cuma sliding door/tingkap2 x de langsir lagi la, cam open gila. Haha. Nasib baik dia tingkat tak rendah, tak tinggi dan tak mengadap rumah orang, so x la ralat sangat. Kabinet untuk dapur gas dah sampai tadi, aku beli kat Jalan Klang Lama, dekat je ngan rumah aku kalau ikut jalan baru. RM299, ok la. Pelan2 kayuh.

Lepas ni, ape item aku nak beli dulu ek? Post yang lepas aku cakap nak masuk Astro dengan Streamyx. Masalahnya TV takde lagi, line telefon pun takde lagi. So, tak penting sangat kot. Maybe lepas ni aku nak kene beli :

1. Peti ais
2. Mesin basuh fully auto
3. Set bilik tidur
4. Sofa 3 Seater
5. TV 29" + Entertainment rack
6. Meja makan
7. Astro
8. Streamyx
9. Etc etc.

Tengok lah camne. Aku rasa kena ambil masa lama lagi untuk completekan beli semua item yang aku listkan tu. Tengok keadaan kewangan aku macamana. :(

Oh ye, esok aku nak pi Hack in The Box (HITB) kat Westin KL kot. Tahun ni ada ticket free, tapi 5 ketul je. Takde offer pun kat members. Well, takpe lah. Lepak kat luar pun ok.


Saturday, September 16, 2006

New House (part 1)

Hehe, hari ni aku kerja pagi. Tapi aku mai lambat sikit kat opis. Sebabnya, abah datang Bukit Jalil. Hari ni basuh rumah baru dan pasang lampu, yahoo! Keh keh keh! So, rumah dah basuh, lampu dah pasang. Tinggal grill je lagi. Abah kata, grill tu mau makan sebulan gak la nak pasang. Tukang buat grill nak kene design dulu grill tu, pastu nak kene mintak kebenaran management apartment tu dulu bla bla. However, aku boleh masuk dah rumah. Hehe.

For security reason, this is not the actual picture of my apartment. :)

Mai opis lewat, pi lunch dulu dengan Abang, Nik dan Bob. Nik belanja makan, hehe. Dia dah jadi orang kaya sekarang, sebab tadi dia fly pi Jakarta untuk sebulan lebih. Hehe. Thanks Nik sebab belanja makan. Ko balik nanti bleh belanja kitorang lagi, muahaha. Mai opis dalam kul 2 lebih. Haha. Actually, aku dah inform Bos aku dan Asst. Bos aku pasal aku mai lambat hari ni.

Mai2 opis je, dalam kul 3, power level aku off. Sebab building management nak buat maintainance pulak. Dengar kata sampai pukul 5.30, sekarang ni dah nak 5.30 dah. Tak tau lah dah ok ke belum. Terpaksa aku merempat kat level bawah sementara. Pinjam laptop sape ntah ni, hehe.

Malam ni lepas keje, aku nak gerak balik Seremban. Esok ada kelas daa. Siap kuiz lagi, duh. Ape pun x baca lagi, gamble je lah. Hari nak hujan lak tu, ish3. Maybe esok lepas kelas, aku nak usha2 kat Jusco, usha mesin basuh fully auto, peti ais dan TV 29"?. Hehehe. Kalau ada duit lebih, aku beli 3 item tu dulu. Tu je yang penting dulu. Peti ais penting untuk Ramadhan nanti. Mesin basuh pun penting sebab aku jenis malas nak basuh baju. Kwang3!

Next item, maybe astro dan streamyx? Kui!


Friday, September 15, 2006


Huu! Seksa aku dah lepas. Well, actually tak lepas mana pun. Sebelum ni, bos aku ada assign semua bebudak department aku untuk present satu topic yang di beri oleh bos aku pada sessi kopitiam. Kopitiam ni ialah sessi knowledge sharing/T.O.T antara staff. Aku kene present topik mengenai Sniffing Nmap vs Nmap -O using Ethereal (WireShark). Huu. Nampak mudahkan? Sebenarnye, apa yang bos aku nak bukanlah apa yang aku cuba sampaikan (ada sikit2 la). Apa yang dia nak ialah, bolehkah ethereal tu tau apakah simtom2 sekiranya network/host kita dinmap. Adakah simtom perbezaan antara nmap dan nmap -O dapat dikesan menggunakan ethereal. Bolehkah snort create satu signature base on ethereal punya signature yang detect perbezaan antara nmap dan nmap -O .


Huu. Memang banyak persoalan sebenarnya yang berada dalam tajuk aku yang nampak simple dan basic tu. Aku faham maksud diorang. Ini kerana signature snort/ bleeding snort (ids) yang ada sekarang tidak boleh membezakan antara option yang berada dalam nmap. Iaitu nmap dan nmap -O mempunyai signature yang sama. Apa yang aku dapat perhatikan dalam ethereal ialah, ia dibezakan menggunakan colorcode (color tak peting, yang penting atribut yang menentukan colorcode tu). Persoalan aku, adakah ethereal mempunyai plugins/signature yang boleh menentukan colorcode/ kategori sesuatu paket tersebut? Sekiranya ada, dimana? Bolehkah kita edit sesuka hati? Sekiranya persoalan ini terjawab, kemungkinan kita boleh membina signature untuk snort iaitu membezakan nmap dan nmap -O base on ethereal signature.

Huu, maybe ada, tapi dimana? Bagaimana? Well, sekiranya korang boleh membantu aku, sila tinggalkan commment korang di posting aku kali ini. Terima kasih.

p/s: Assignment OUM pun dah nak kene buat dah ni, kuiz ahad ni pulak, duh!

Monday, September 11, 2006

AE06 & New House?

For the 1st time in my life (haha), i went to watched Anugerah Era 2006 at Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil on 09/09/06, last saturday. My girlfriend managed to get a free tickets and she asked me if i want to watch it live or not. I'm not working that day, so i agree to watch with her, her sister and her sister's friends. Huhu. Well, we all leave around 11 p.m. Yes, it's still early, we don't want going back when the LRT is getting crowded. That's all.

Today, i went to Ikea (the new catalogue has released!) with my girlfriend to shopping a new lamps/lights during her lunch hour break (well, she was fasting). It was for my new house. Ermm, hehe, yep, i will get a new house near to my sister house at Bukit Jalil. My Abah bought it and gave his permission for me to staying there. Now that apartment is totally control by me. Muahaha! Thanks Abah. That house is using no loan at all because my Abah sold his house at JB and use that money to buy a new apartment at KL. No more hutang! Yey! I'm so happy. Maybe 1 or 2 days more i can enter that house. Best! Need to wash that house and do all the important things such as put a grill and put the lamps and fan before Ramadhan is coming.


Sunday, September 03, 2006

Uitm I-Hack 06

Last friday, i'm with my 2 officemates went to UITM Shah Alam to present a demo for cracking W.E.P for Uitm International Hacking Competition 2006. Syah was the presenter. I only doing a technical site. There's a problem raise. Access point going crazy but i manage to capture IVs a little bit. However, i still managed to crack the W.E.P key and show the audience how to crack those key. I manage to go on the 1st day (whole day) and on the last day (today) but cannot join in the CTF competition because i came late. I'm a bit dissapointed because the demo was not fully success since i do a testing a month before. Very sad. Nevermind! Anyway, congrats to UITM I-Hack director and all crew in his team because doing a great job and full effort for this event.

I came late because i'm came from Seremban. I had a tutorial 1 at Open University today. 2 subject got a class, but the last one, i need to take a personalize session because the class is clash. Well, nevermind.

Dem, tekak sakit pulak!


Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to!
Happy birthday to you!

Yey! My blog is 1 year old today since i wrote my first post on 03/09/05. Yey! Clap3!~ If you check, i register this blogspot on December 2003 but seriously wrote a blog in blogspot 2 years after. Hehe.


Saturday, September 02, 2006

Maiden's Wedding

Seorang member sekolah aku dah kawin. Mazlizan Fitri a.k.a Maiden. Hehe, antara perintis member sekolah (lelaki) yang dah kawin, huhu. Aku pergi kenduri kat rumah dia. Ramai juga member2 sekolah lama jumpa balik. Best juga la.

To Maiden and wife, tahniah dan selamat pengantin baru, semoga bahagia ke anak cucu, murah rezeki, amin. Seronok aku tengok kekawan dah kawin, terasa cam dah nak melangkah ke alam dewasa/tua? erm. Hehe.
