Thursday, February 14, 2008

It's a BOY! yey!

It's officially a BOYY! :) Yep, my baby is a boy! Alhamdulillah! It has been confirmed that our baby is a HERO! when my wife went to UKMSC for her 2nd appointment today. Prof. Hashim scanned her belly to check our baby condition. Alhamdulillah, all fine, hopefully the baby will meet us soon with the same EDD with what the prof told us before. Syukur to Allah for the rezeki. We do print the scanned image of our unborn baby but still i don't have time to scan or take a picture using DSLR and post it to my blog. Will do it later, insyaAllah.

Regarding the jobs related, ahhhhh! Malas fikir.
