Saturday, February 04, 2006

Feel Like Shit!

I feel like,people look at me as i'm the laziest person in the world because i'm not attend any event made by my company that i working now (but the truth is, i am not!). This is because, i'm not up to date with any news that already send to my email. The reason why i don't check my email when i'm at my home was, i don't have an internet connection to access my email from my home and no one want to inform me and i feel totally like shit! Demmit! I am not lazy and i am not a useless person in the world! I can do any job except doing the report thingy!

I should must subscribe a Jaring Wireless a.s.a.p!

FYI, i'm at Seremban right now, because tomorrow, i have to attend my tutorial class at OUM.