There's a gym facilities available in my office building at the ground floor (lobby) specially for staff use only. After a month working here, today i got a brave (haha) to try those facilities. Lucky at lunch time, no body using it and only me alone there. Quite impressive with the facilities even though it just a small room, sufficient enough for me. I try to target at least twice a week to do the work out. Excited since this is the first time the company i've join got gym facilities. I remembered i've joined gym membership last time at Fitness First when i worked with SCAN (before married, haha). The fees was quite expensive and now i got a privileged as a staff to use gym for free. Excited gila! Orang lain biasa2 je, haha!

Now i feel FRESH!
p/s: the quality of the piccas not good since i'm just using my phone.:P