Sunday, September 30, 2007

2 Months

Dua bulan je beb, dua bulan je! sabar2! kuatkan semangat! Orang lain boleh, aku pun mesti boleh! InsyaAllah!

p/s: Sometime i think I'm lucky, because of based on my age that i think I'm the youngest who got selected to go there where there's still got a people who are experienced and better than me, or maybe that place is totally suck then I'm the shit left who they can send and no one want to confront all the shit, haha. funny tho.

but still, i think I'm lucky.


The truth is, i'm worried a lot!

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Alhamdulillah syukur, ada increment dan backdated. Rezeki di bulan yang mulia. Semoga rezeki aku dan keluarga aku dimurahkan lagi dan rezeki dari sumber yang halal, amin.

p/s: Nak pi bayar zakat fitrah.


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

J!NX T-Shirt (Bulk)

My friend doing a bulk purchase of J!NX clothes. Mostly they sell T-shirts, Sweaters, Woman Clothings etc. etc. The range of clothing is from Video Games, World of Warcraft, Pirates and such. More info you go to

MOQ (Minimum Order Quota)

He don't have a minimum order but if more than 50 orders he probably can reduce the shipping price.

The calculation is (Your Item (x current us exchange rate) + RM10 for shipping over here.

So feel free to pick your items. He will collect the money after 2 weeks this ads is posted. After that he will closed this bulk and hopefully by next 2 weeks the stuff will arrive.

Shipping Method

He prefer to COD but he can do poslaju if needed. COD at Mid Valley, One Utama, KLCC, Kajang, Bangi and Damansara. Feel free to ask him any questions if you are not sure about anything. He can be contact via email at jinxmalaysia[AT] You can check the thread posted at forum at here.


He will collect the money after 2 weeks. He want to make sure that all the orders are met. So just tell him what do you want, what size is it and total cost. He will buy the items on 12 October. The money will be gradually collected from 7 October onwards.

Thank you, happy shopping!



Al-Fatihah buat Allahyarham Pak Wahyu, bapak yang baik serta rakan kerja cawangan di Jakarta, Indonesia yang telah kembali ke Rahmatullah pada 26/09/07. Semoga rohnya di tempatkan bersama orang2 yang beriman dan dicucuri rahmat ke atasnya, insyaAllah.

Teringat kembali ketika aku berada di Jakarta dulu pada tahun 2005 dan ketika itu juga Ramadhan, serta tahun 2006 kali kedua aku bertemu dengannya. Salam takziah kepada keluarga beliau di sana.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

New Gizmo!

New gizmo in da house! Bought it last 2 days at Midvalley Megamall. It's was really a cool stuff with a lot of features. Only the processor is a lil' bit low compare to the latest technology now days and Vista sucks, but, it's not a big problem to me. Anyway, I'm satisfied and happy with it for now and maybe will be using it for at least another 3-4 years.

p/s: I still hope i get it from office too tho.


Monday, September 24, 2007

Kerepek Raya

Rasa macam nak beli kuih raya? Terutama kerepek? Tapi rasa macam malas gila nak pi cari kat kedai kerepek sebab penat puasa, panas, bersesak2 dengan orang lain. Jangan risau, anda ada pilihan untuk elak semua tu. Anda boleh membeli kerepek secara online. Biar betul?! Ya, betul! Anda hanya perlu layari

untuk senarai kerepek atau kuih raya dan macam2 lagi (coming soon) dan juga tempahan. Segala tempahan anda akan kami cuba tunaikan, insyaAllah. Untuk proses penghantaran, sila layari menu payment & shipping. Kepada officemate saya, anda boleh membuat tempahan melalui laman web/email/no phone dalam laman web tersebut, pembayaran pula anda boleh COD apabila menerima kerepek2 tersebut daripada saya.

Selamat bershopping!


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Salam Ramadhan

Salam Ramadhan Mubarak. Semoga bulan Ramadhan tahun ini membuat hati kita lebih tabah menempuh dugaan yang mendatang, dan semoga ibadah kita diterima olehNya, insyaAllah.


Ikhlas Akram & Murni.


Mass Update!

Banyak benda nak update, tapi aku malas. Kui!


HITB, yerp, aku sempat pi HITB pada 5/9 haritu kat Hilton Hotel Kl Sentral. Lokasi dah tukar. Selalu Westin. Lokasi kali ni senang nak pergi sebab boleh naik LRT je. Tapi dengar cerita, tahun depan diorang nak pi Westin Balik. Well, seperti biasa, jumpa orang2 yang sama, kawan2 lama. Lepak kat booth2 tgk CTF, zoneH pun bukak booth utk game diorang, tapi x de goodies macam 2 tahun lepas. Beli Tshirt HITB, 1 je design baru, 2 lagi design lama, cuma tukar tahun je, hehe.

IDS Class for Jeddah Guy

4/9, ngajar Pak Arab dari Jeddah ni sorang, IDS (aku ajar install Snort dan configuration), actually sebelum tu, aku dah ajar Firewall, bos aku adhoc suruh aku ngajar, nak wat camne, ikut je la. Pak arab ni jenis blur. Aku tgk signature email dia, perghhh certification macam amik UPSR je. Tapi adeh, letih nak mengajar. Pelik la macamana diorang boleh amik cert banyak2 gila terus. Maybe money matters. Pastu kalau pergi makan, komplen tak hingat, ingat Jeddah tu bagus sangat ka? Huh!

Kad Nikah JAWI

Kad nikah aku dah ambil, yerp, JAWI punya kad nikah style Mykad, hehe, best2. Cuma yang x best, gambar aku tu gambar lama sebab masa aku pergi tu, gambar aku x bawak (aku ingat bleh amik digital kat situ je). So aku gamble gunting kad penghuni apartment aku ni sebab tu je kad ada gambar aku dan kad tu bukan guna sangat pun. Haha, belasah je, janji ada gambar aku. Tak perlu la bawak sijil nikah merata lagi, hehe.

2nd Honeymoon @ Pangkor

8-10/9, aku pi bercuti dengan wife aku ke Teluk Batik dan Pulau Pangkor. Hehe. Sebenarnya, wife aku ada Treasure hunt Bernas, so dia ajak aku join. Aku fikir menarik gak kalau join sebab aku x pernah treasure hunt guna kereta lagi. Ada 2 orang lagi follow kereta aku iaitu kawan sekerja wife aku. So team aku ada 4 orang la. Start kereta no. 2 tapi yang paling lambat sampai, hahaha. Sampai2 je terus nak gerak, huuhu. Best gak la. Ikut jalan lama. Lalu Kuala Selangor, lalu Teluk Intan sampai la Manjung dan Teluk Batik. Penat tak ingat sebab aku sorang je drive, huuu.

Check point kene berhenti kat kilang2 Bernas. Kene selesaikan teka teki untuk beli harta dia, ada 4 harta, tapi 3 je dapat. Antara harta ialah mangga, ayam brand macarel, bantal dan juga poster motivasi. Yang team aku x dapat ialah poster motivasi. Sebenarnya dah dapat dah poster tu, tapi tak pasti betul ke poster huhu. Blasah je la. Bantal siap pi lumut beli bantal sponge bob haha. Sampai hotel Teluk Batik Resort pukul 3++ p.m. Malamnye ada sesi penyampaian hadiah dan makan malam. Tapi tak sangka, aku target team aku dalam top 10 je, rupa2nya, dapat no. 3. Hahahaha. Sungguh puas hati dan balik modal gak la. No. 3 dapat hadiah RM750 dan kena la bahagi 4 nanti. Hehe, ok la. Wife aku pun dapat cabutan bertuah hamper besar, hehe, tak bukak2 lagi hamper tu. Looking forward to join this event again in the year 2009 perhaps? hehe.

Hari ahad tu event habis, tapi aku dan wife ambil AL pada isnin, sebab kami pergi ke Pulau Pangkor. Huhu, first time aku pi Pangkor. Ambil hotel kat Teluk Nipah. Hotel tahap murah je tapi harga rm110 gak la semalam, dem! Rasa macam sepatutnya harga rm60 je, huuu. Belasah je la. Tiket bot rm20 untuk 2 orang pergi balik. Teksi dari jeti ke Teluk Nipah Rm20 pergi balik 2 orang. Sampai2 hotel, lepak2 jap. Pastu petang keluar jalan2 tepi pantai. Wife aku nak pi snorkeling. Hehe, mula2 aku memang tak bagi sebab ye la aku takut gak dengan keadaan dia sekarang, naik bot tu semua. Last2 aku bagi gak la sebab ni je sekali. So kitorang amik la boat tour dan snorkeling. Rm40 gak la, siap equipment la.

Snorkel kat Pulau Giam (macam gaim je, huhu). Ikan jinak2 sana kalau bagi roti la, tapi jenis ikan sikit je dan time aku pergi petang tu ramai pulak orang, so macam boring sikit la. Aku x bagi wife aku snorkel jauh2 sebab dia bukan pandai berenang (aku pun :P). Boleh la best gak. Ni 2nd time aku snorkel, 1st time dulu dengan Abah snorkel kat Pulau Tioman. InsyaAllah aku nak plan, lepas wife aku deliver nanti dan lepas pantang. Kalau ada masa dan ongkos, aku tour pi tempat2 menarik kat dalam Malaysia ni yang boleh snorkel. Nak amik lesen PADI, mahal pulak dan aku pun x rajin nak pi selalu, so macam membazir je. Hari isnin pagi tu pulak, kitorang pi mandi laut kat tepi hotel je. Hehe, lama aku x mandi laut. Pi Bali haritu tak sentuh laut pun. Air dia boleh tahan la, bersih gak la pantainye compare dengan P.D. Haha. Tengahari kitorang pun berangkat la balik KL. Dengan ikut jalan jauhnye hahaha, blasah. Tapi memang enjoy la. Thanks sayang. Hehe. Hilang segala tekanan aku kat opis ni kejap hahaha.

p/s: Piccas will update soon, kalau rajin hehe.


Sunday, September 02, 2007


I've done a lot of thinking lately, lot of planning. About my life, my family, my career. About the best news eva, yep, you are right! I'll will having a baby. My wife was detected pregnant by the Doctor last Thursday. I'm very happy about the news and of course a lil' bit nervous because this is my first time experience of having a pregnancy wife that i should care a lot and my first experience will having a baby. Man! You know what i meant if you are the first time father too. Haha, i will become a daddy! Oh, believe it or not, hehe. I'm so excited right now. Hehe. :)

About my career, I've been thinking a lot lately. I'm feeling it right now the hard of working shift hour rather than working 9-6 if you married and your wife is now pregnant for a first time experience. I'm planning to changing my work time schedule maybe, or maybe a new department with a 9-6 working hours or maybe a new environment or maybe just live with it until the end of the world? Changing a new work environment is a hard decision to make, but if i got a better offer, maybe i need to consider it.

Hmm, until now, i have no decision being made. I got a news that my name is still on the list for people who will go to the middle east because of jobs related for 3 (three) 2 (two) months as my conversation with my boss after Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, well, this is a sad news for me and my wife because she is in the first three months of critical time in pregnancy. Hmmm, i hope i will not going there because i know that my wife really needs me in this time. It will effect my part time degree too. Arghh! I don't want to be rude. I have never denied any task given to me before from my boss, but this time, i think i need to deny it, can i? Well, i'll pray to God to give an easy way for me to handle the situation, amin.

Well, this is just my heart feeling right now, i hope God will give me strength and spirit to me and my wife to handle all situation and expect the unexpected.
